트래블로그 카드(신용vs체크) Travellog Card (Credit vs. Check)

Do you exchange your currency in advance when traveling abroad? I generally exchange my money to dollars first, then go to a currency exchange office or bank in the country I’m visiting and exchange my money for that country’s currency.

트래블로그 카드

트래블로그 카드


In this case, the fees will be higher than expected due to double currency exchange. Also, in countries that use a lot of change, especially coins, you will likely bring a bundle of money with you when you return to Korea. It is difficult and frustrating to exchange coins.


So, I was looking for a good card without ATM fees and found the Travelogue Card from Hana Bank!


I will tell you about my experience with the Travellog card, where I even used this card to exchange money.

How to apply for a Travelogue card
You have to get a card first, right? Issuing a card is really simple.


If you search for “Travellog card” in the Google search bar, “Travellog check card” and “Travellog credit card” will appear. You can choose which of the two cards you would like to receive.

Travellog search results
Travellog search results
I chose a check card because I wanted a card that would only be used when traveling overseas and would only charge ATM fees!


After that, if you follow the instructions on the website, you will receive the card below.

Travelogue card in kind
Travelogue card in kind
For reference, I heard that in Chinese countries such as Taiwan, Union Pay is accepted more than Master Card, so I deliberately applied for Union Pay. Conversely, if you are traveling to Europe or the Americas, we recommend MasterCard over UnionPay.

Hana Money App
Hana Money App
After that, you need to go to your phone’s app store and download the Hana Money app. With this app, you can exchange money, register your card, and report the loss of it all in one step!

Hana Money app home screen

Hana Money app home screen
The app screen looks like the photo above. I exchanged money with this card when I traveled to Taiwan last month, and it says I saved about 75,000 won! I feel very good.


When you click the free currency exchange button, it will appear as shown in the picture on the right. You can select your desired country here.


currency exchange event
What I liked about this card was that it didn’t charge withdrawal fees at some ATMs. We will soon let you know which banks are exempt from fees, so please wait a moment!


One thing to note is that if you exchange money again, a 1% re-exchange fee will be charged. Therefore, it is wise to exchange and withdraw money only as often as necessary.


On the right, there is a list of countries with free currency exchange events until March 31, 2024, so make sure the country you want to go to is included!

Banks with no ATM fees in Taiwan
I will tell you about the banks that do not charge ATM fees that I learned while traveling in Taiwan!

National Bank (Cathay)
Bank of Taiwan
The reason I recommend these two is really simple. Because it is very close and is always there at the beginning and the end.

taiwan bank
taiwan bank
First, the Bank of Taiwan is located on the far right when you exit the arrival hall of Taoyuan Airport. There are several ATM machines that appear as soon as you leave the arrivals hall, but Korean tourists passing by say that you have to pay a fee. However, this bank is exempt from fees. After arriving in Taiwan, don’t go to the currency exchange office. If you have a Travelogue card, withdraw money here!

national bank
The second is the National Bank. There is at least one of these bank ATMs at every subway station in Taiwan. So don’t panic if you run out of money, just head to the subway station! You can exchange money without any fees.

We have learned about how to issue a Travellog card and how to withdraw money without a fee in Taiwan.