타오바오 직구방법 Chinese delivery, Chinese direct purchase, Taobao delivery – carry

타오바오 직구방법Shipping fee table
Estimated cost calculation
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Issuance of unique personal customs clearance code
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Inventory Management
Company name: Narda Address: 33-4, 115 Na-gil, Deokneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul Representative: Minyoung Kwon TEL: 070-8670-0689 Business registration number: 232-09-00823 Mail order business report number: 2018-Seoul Nowon-0625
Copyrightⓒnarda. All rights reserved
Narda is a mail order intermediary and is not a party to the mail order. Therefore, Narda is not responsible for products, transaction information, and transactions. The shipping agency fee you paid is 70% of the amount incurred overseas. Narda will remit the shipping agency fee to China on your behalf, and It is excluded from the issuance of cash receipts or tax invoices. Narda’s delivery agency only provides overseas delivery of genuine products that have been purchased directly from a Chinese site and have passed official customs clearance.

타오바오 직구방법
