캐롯 고객센터 및 전화번호 Carrot Customer Center and Phone Number

Carrot Auto Insurance Customer Center Phone Number Call Center Branch:: Actual Expense Claim Actual Loss Invoice Documents
Insurance is one way to minimize financial risk when accidents or uncertain situations occur. As you use it, you may have questions or need to file an insurance claim. Today, we will introduce the customer center phone number and call center branch of Carrot Auto Insurance, one of Korea’s insurance companies, and driver’s insurance claim documents for actual expense claims.

캐롯 고객센터

캐롯 고객센터


major insurance
Permile car insurance, Together driver’s insurance, Our hour car insurance, Strong Heart Insurance for our children, Pet walking insurance, Together hole-in-one insurance, Leisure accident insurance, Phone care LCD screen safety insurance, Theft and loss insurance, Living health insurance for office workers, To me Insurance, event liability insurance, overseas travel insurance, long-term overseas stay insurance, etc.



Find Carrot Auto Insurance branch by region


There may be times when you need to visit a branch to file an insurance claim. You can find a branch in your area or the area of your choice.

However, Carrot Auto Insurance is the first digital non-life insurance company in Korea and does not operate branches. The head office is on the 20th floor of Building B, 100 Eulji-ro (Euljiro 2-ga, Pine Avenue), Jung-gu, Seoul.




Carrot Auto Insurance Customer Center Phone Number
Below you can find the Carrot Auto Insurance customer center phone number and the call center shortcut number related to insurance claims.




Carrot Auto Insurance Customer Center Phone Number Main phone number: 1566-0300
Weekdays 9:00 – 18:00 (Closed on weekends and public holidays)
Car accident reports are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Carrot Auto Insurance KakaoTalk consultation link


Carrot car insurance claim


For those who want to file an insurance claim directly via the Internet or mobile phone, we leave a shortcut to claim insurance on the official website. (In some cases, you may need to receive insurance claims via fax or visit a branch.)



Go to insurance claim



Carrot Car Insurance Actual Loss Claim Document Check
When making a claim for Carrot Auto Insurance, you can use methods such as online application or mobile application application. If you would like to know the billing documents for each accident, you can check them below. You can also download document forms and applications. If required invoice documents are missing, insurance payment may take a long time, so it is recommended that you check the invoice documents one more time before applying. Go to the official website page.



Go to check invoice documents for each accident

Carrot Auto Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

How is the period when the carrot plug is not installed due to delivery handled? When will the carrot plug be delivered? Can I drive before delivery? Is there a problem if I install the Carrot Plug before or after the insurance start date? How do I return the Carrot Plug when my car insurance expires? The green light on the Carrot Plug remains on even after turning off the engine. I would like to know how to apply for a replacement due to a carrot plug failure, etc. The mileage measured by connected cars and Carrot Plug are different. Can I use it by plugging it into a multi-cigar jack?

In addition to the questions above, you can check various questions and answers on the official website.




Up to this point, we have introduced the Carrot Auto Insurance customer center phone number, call center branch location, actual expense claim, actual loss claim documents, etc. Please refer to the article below as it has been helpful to many people.