카톡 채팅방 숨기기 How to hide KakaoTalk chat room

카톡 채팅방 숨기기How to hide KakaoTalk chat room

Please note that you can only hide conversations that are sent to you. There is no hiding function for other chat rooms yet.

Find the chat room sent to you and press and hold it.
How to hide KakaoTalk chat room

Then there is a hide at the bottom. Then my chat window will be hidden.
How to hide KakaoTalk chat room

As of now, the method of hiding KakaoTalk chat room is only available in my chat window, so I will end this post in the hope that this function will be updated in the future.

How to check and update KakaoTalk version
How to search for images using KakaoTalk long tap
Lock KakaoTalk input window


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