카카오톡 제비뽑기 How to play ladder game, lottery, and wheel game with KakaoTalk?

Hello, this is Telkte.

In life, there are many things to make decisions about. The decision can be made by one person, or by several people at the same time. Rock, paper, scissors is the most used when a number of people gather to decide the order or carry out penalties. However, this type of rock-paper-scissors is characterized by the fact that it takes a long time if many people participate, and there is a possibility of manipulation, making it inappropriate for important decisions. To this end, you can easily decide the division of roles, order, and penalties through ladder games, lottery games, and wheel games with KakaoTalk. I’ll do it. 카카오톡 제비뽑기

카카오톡 제비뽑기

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[1] Two or more people are required to play the ladder game, lottery, and wheel game with KakaoTalk.

[2] KakaoTalk ladder game, lottery, and wheel game can be used using the # function in KakaoTalk, and cannot be manipulated. 1분전

[3] Written in the Galaxy Note 9 environment.

How to play KakaoTalk ladder game

✓ To play the ladder game with KakaoTalk, we opened a group chat room with a total of 3 people. After that, press the # button next to the chat field below.

✓ If you press the # button, a box where you can enter a search word will appear as above. Search for ladder game here.

✓ When you search for a ladder game, the ladder game is automatically launched in KakaoTalk as above. Here, the number of people in the chat room you are in will participate in the ladder game.

✓ Here, you can set the number of winners from 1 to the number of people in the chat room. Here, we set the number of winners to 3.

✓ Then, if you press the item below to select a bet, various bets will appear. Here, I tried to draw the order.

✓ When you draw an order, a phrase appears saying that the order from 1 to 3 is automatically set. If you want to know the result here, click the KakaoTalk icon below to share.

✓ If you click the KakaoTalk icon to share, the ladder game results are shared in the group chat room as above.


✓ If you click Check All Results, you will be notified of your own ladder climbing results as above. If you click the overall results here, you can check the ladder game results of all members of the chat room.

✓ If, as above, if you want to play the ladder game with a different topic than the order drawing, you can come back to the ladder game and choose an appropriate topic. I tried to share .

✓ After that, the ladder game was also shared in the KakaoTalk group chat room, and when checking the overall results, it was found that the roles were randomly changed for 3 people.

KakaoTalk lottery method

✓ To draw lottery on KakaoTalk, after pressing the # sign, this time type lottery and search.

✓ If you search for lottery, you will be moved to a screen where you can draw lots. The lottery can be divided into draw and ranking draw.

✓ First of all, you can set up a lot with one less person than the number of people as above. I set the lot to 2 people, press the Mix lots button next to it, mix lots, and share it on KakaoTalk.

✓ When you press the Share button, the contents of the lottery are shared in the KakaoTalk chat room as above, and you can click the Check All Results button here.

✓ If you press the Check All Results button, the person who drew the bang will appear as shown above.

✓ In the lottery draw, the ranking draw proceeds in the same way, and all members of the chat room participate in the ranking draw. After mixing the lot here, click Share.

✓ If you click Share, the result will be shared in the KakaoTalk chat room, and if you press this button, the overall ranking will appear.

How to play the KakaoTalk wheel

✓ To play the wheel game on KakaoTalk, press # in the same way and search for wheel game in the search box.

✓ If you search for a spinner game, the spinner will appear as shown above. Search for an appropriate topic here, select the number of spinner slots, select the individual or group game below, and share.

✓ If you share, the result of the wheel is shared in the KakaoTalk chat room, and you can check the result of the wheel by clicking Check My Results here.

✓ As the wheel spins as above, you can see the selections of all participants, and you can also set and view individual selections.

When several people gather to share roles or perform activities such as determining rankings, they play ladder games, lottery games, and wheel games. You can. So far, we have learned how to play ladder games, lottery games, and wheel games with KakaoTalk.


Then see you in the next post.