카카오택시 분실물 찾는법 How to find lost property in Kakao Taxi!

Let’s learn how to find lost items in Kakao Taxi.

The advent of Kakao seems to have brought about major changes in many industries. 카카오택시 분실물 찾는법

It seems that there has been a really big change in the taxi industry since Kakao Taxi appeared.

카카오택시 분실물 찾는법

When I look at the streets these days, it seems that there are more people waiting for drivers using their smartphones than people who reach out to catch a taxi. 비지니스헬퍼

I think it’s because the information is already included, so there’s no need to specifically mention the destination, and the payment process has become very convenient.


In addition to this, the good thing is that you can accurately know the information of the taxi driver.

I think it’s easy to find lost items because there is information in the article.

If so, let’s find out how to find things when you leave something behind after using Kakao Taxi.


1. When the driver’s cell phone number is known.

There are times when a taxi driver calls to find out the location while waiting for a Kakao Taxi.

In this case, it is easy to solve because the phone calls the driver’s number.

After contacting us directly, we can solve the problem of lost property.




2. Use of Kakao Taxi’s driver information.

Basically, when using KakaoTax, driver information is recorded in the application.

I’ll show you how to check it yourself. 🙂


First, launch the Kakao Taxi app.

Then a screen like the one above will appear.

From here, select your profile in the top right corner.


Now, a screen where you can check your information appears.

Select the Usage History section here.


You can see the records used for the past year.

You can find taxi information here.

Based on this information, we can obtain the driver’s phone number when contacting customer service.





3. When the driver cannot be contacted.

After checking the taxi information, you may call the taxi driver, but you may not be able to reach him.

In this case, you should continue to contact us, but there are other ways to check for lost items.

You can check it on the website of the National Association of Taxi Transportation Associations.


When you access the site, you will see a page like the one above.

From here, select the lost and found center marked in red at the bottom.





On this page, you can see the number of the representative lost and found center in each region.

You can check here and inquire about lost items.



It’s really dark when you leave something in the taxi.

I have explained several methods.

I will finish this article in the hope that it will be helpful to you.

thank you