2024 청년도약계좌 조건 및 신청방법 2024 Youth Leap Account conditions and application method

We will guide you through the membership conditions and application method for the “Youth Leap Account” to help young people create a lump sum. With consistent payments, you can create a lump sum of up to 50 million won, and this product has the advantage of not imposing taxes on interest. This is a product where you can benefit just by signing up, so please apply now through the link below.

청년도약계좌 조건

청년도약계좌 조건


Click here to apply for Youth Leap Account





Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply


What is the Youth Leap Account?


Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply

This is a policy-type financial product that supports mid- to long-term asset formation. If you freely pay within 700,000 won per month during the 5-year (60-month) maturity period, the government will pay a contribution of up to 6% per month and provide tax exemption on interest income. no see. As a result, young people can expect stable asset formation along with free management of funds.



Conditions for signing up for the Youth Leap Account



● Available for ages 19 to 34 based on the date of account opening (date of registration)

● The period of military service (up to 6 years) is excluded from consideration when calculating age.


[Income conditions]

● Total salary for the immediately preceding tax period is KRW 75 million or less.

● The amount of comprehensive income added to the comprehensive income tax base is 63 million won or less (however, excluding cases where there is only non-taxable income other than childcare leave benefits and childcare leave allowances)


[Household Income]

● Persons earning less than 180% of the median income based on the number of household members

● Household members are based on the young person and his/her spouse, parents, children, and brothers/sisters (minors) according to the resident registration certificate.


※ If income is confirmed during an undetermined period, it is considered as income from the previous year.


▷ Check the median income below now ◀





Check the median income table




How to apply for Youth Leap Account
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply

To sign up for the Youth Leap Account, you can do so through your bank’s app. After applying at the bank, you can open an account after confirming the membership requirements and receiving notification of the confirmation result through the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency.


Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply

It is more beneficial for you to sign up after comparing the annual interest rates of each bank, so please check the details below and sign up at the bank of your choice.





Compare interest rates and sign up here




※ Detailed procedure for verifying personal and household income (takes approximately 2 weeks)


① Confirm age and personal income

② Confirmation of household members and consent to provision of information

③ Check household income

④ Notification of confirmation results


● Implement full non-face-to-face verification by expanding administrative information sharing service (Ministry of Public Administration and Security, National Tax Service, Military Manpower Administration)

● Personal income is updated through a maintenance review every year from the date of subscription, and the payment and size of contributions are adjusted.






Benefits of signing up for a Youth Leap Account


Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply

Depending on the amount paid, government contributions are provided for each income group, and tax exemption is applied to interest on the amount paid and government contributions. In particular, a certain level of preferential interest rate is provided to young people from low-income families, and this is called “income + preferential interest rate.”


If you want to know in detail and accurately about the benefits you receive when signing up for a Youth Leap Account, please check them out as they are summarized below.





Click here to see subscription benefits



Youth Leap Account application period
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply

The Youth Leap Account receives applications through the bank app at the beginning of each month and is reviewed by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency for approximately two weeks. If you pass the screening, you can open an account through your bank’s app. You can check the detailed application period below.





Click here to check application period




※ The application period is limited every month, so please do not miss the period and apply.



Notes on signing up for a Youth Leap Account
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply

● Only one account can be registered per person per bank.

● If you currently have a Youth Hope Savings Account, you cannot subscribe additionally.

● If the comprehensive taxation of financial income for the immediately preceding taxation period has not yet been confirmed at the time of subscription, and only the status of financial income comprehensive taxation up to the previous taxation period has been confirmed, after starting payment, if you are confirmed to be subject to comprehensive taxation of financial income for the immediately preceding taxation period, payment will be made. This will stop.



Youth Leap Account personal requirements and household members updated
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply


When applying for update, please enter the following information about the household member you wish to include or exclude in the detailed reason column and the reason for it, so that the person in charge can refer to the information.


(If it is difficult to make an accurate determination based on documents alone, it may be returned.)


1 When personal requirements need to be updated

If you are over 34 years old and have a military service history, and your military service history cannot be electronically verified as to whether or not you have completed military service, separate processing is required.



Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply


2 If household members need to be updated (applies to one of the four conditions below)


※ Only “parents + spouse + children + minor siblings” are recognized as household members based on the certified copy, and if they are not registered together on the certified copy, they cannot be added separately.


① If you are a foreign applicant, etc., and it is not possible to check the applicant’s copy electronically and manual registration is required

② In cases where it is impossible to determine family relationship based on a certified copy, submission of documents proving family relationship is required.

③ When it is necessary to submit documents to add a foreign household member who cannot be verified electronically

④ If you have been notified that the household members have been confirmed based on the certified copy, but you need to submit documents to change the composition of the household members


● Among the confirmed household members, it is possible to exclude household members who meet the reasons for exclusion.

● Although not included in the confirmed household members, maternal (maternal) parents on the certified copy can be included as household members.





Why you should sign up for a Youth Leap Account
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply

There are many reasons to sign up for a Youth Leap Account. This account is provided as a policy-based financial product to help young people build mid- to long-term assets. Below are the main reasons why young people should sign up for a Youth Leap Account.


1 Government subsidies and tax exemptions

● The government provides a percentage contribution when you pay up to the maximum amount each month.

● By providing tax exemption on interest income, you can enjoy profits more efficiently.


2 Support for mid- to long-term asset formation

● You can receive support for mid- to long-term asset formation by paying a certain amount every month for 5 years (60 months).



Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply

3 Low risk and stability

● Government participation provides a stable and low-risk investment environment.


4 Financial education and wealth management opportunities

● Provides opportunities to improve basic understanding of financial products and asset management skills.


5 Special preferential conditions for young people

● Increase accessibility by providing special preferential conditions for young people of a certain age.


6 Create a long-term financial plan

● You can establish and implement a long-term financial plan through a 5-year payment plan.


Through the Youth Leap Account, you can utilize these benefits to improve your financial stability and help prepare for the future.



Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply


Youth Leap Account information completed

The Youth Leap Account is a solution prepared by the government to support mid- to long-term asset formation, and provides financial stability and expectations for the future to young people through various benefits. This provides young people with a special opportunity to plan and manage their future through stable and safe financial activities.


Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply

The Youth Leap Account provides a stable and risk-free investment environment while paying the maximum amount each month and enjoying tax exemptions on the government’s continuous contributions and interest income. Through this, you can realize mid- to long-term asset formation and strengthen future financial stability.


Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply


We provide financial education and asset management opportunities for young people along with special preferential conditions, allowing them to gain financial experience. Through a five-year payment plan, young people can systematically plan their financial situation and prepare for a stable financial future.


Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply
Youth Leap Account Subscription Conditions How to Apply

Therefore, I believe that the Youth Leap Account is a very helpful support for young people in establishing stable and sustainable financial plans and preparing for the future.