처음 주식하는 방법 Frequently Asked Questions > Customer Inquiries > Customer Center| Hanwha Investment & Securities

처음 주식하는 방법Yes.

If you wish to open an account, please visit the branch office (8:00 – 16:00 on a Monday-Friday basis) and bring your documents.
In the case of minors, it can be opened by a legal representative. If there are parents who have parental authority, the grandparents cannot act as legal representatives.
However, it is possible to open an account if you have a power of attorney from a legal representative and a certificate of seal impression (signature confirmation letter, delegation of account opening).
my room
Certificate of identity confirmation (Resident registration card is the principle)
family representative
Authentication of real name of agent, certificate of family relationship (disclosure of full resident registration number, issued within 3 months), seal of transaction, letter of attorney
general representative
Authentication of real name of principal and agent, original seal certificate (confirmation of the fact that the person signed), power of attorney (seal stamped on certificate of seal impression), transaction seal
Minors (under 19 years of age)
Legal representative’s real name confirmation certificate, family relation certificate (full disclosure of resident registration number, issued within 3 months), transaction seal

※ Certificate of family relationship is only available with full public resident registration number and documents issued within 3 months.
You can check the current status of a branch by selecting the Customer Center > Branch Information menu on the homepage.
Go to the nationwide branch information >

If you need more detailed information, please call us anytime.
Customer support center ☎080-851-8282, order only ☎080-851-8200

issuing bank
Required Documents
Kookmin bank
Only the person can open (real name verification certificate, transaction seal)
Our bank
Only the person can open (real name verification certificate, transaction seal)
Daegu Bank
Person: Real name verification certificate, transaction seal
Family representative: agent’s real name verification certificate, family relation documents (certified copy, etc.), transaction seal
General agent: real name confirmation certificate of principal and agent, seal certificate, power of attorney, transaction seal
post office
Person: Real name verification certificate, transaction seal
Family agent/general agent: real name verification certificate of the principal and agent, seal certificate, power of attorney, transaction seal
* Unable to open for minors
Exchange Bank
Person: Real name verification certificate, transaction seal
Family representative: agent’s real name verification certificate, family relation documents (certified copy, etc.), transaction seal
General agent: real name confirmation certificate of principal and agent, seal certificate, power of attorney, transaction seal
National Agricultural Cooperative Federation
Person: real name confirmation certificate, transaction seal
Family agent: agent’s real name verification certificate, family relation documents (certified copy, etc.), transaction seal
General agent: real name confirmation certificate of principal and agent, seal certificate, power of attorney, transaction seal
Hana Bank
Person: Real name verification certificate, transaction seal
Family agent/general agent: Open after checking the possibility of opening at the branch before opening
Busan Bank
Person: Real name verification certificate, transaction seal
Family representative: agent’s real name verification certificate, family relation documents (certified copy, etc.), transaction seal
General agent: real name confirmation certificate of principal and agent, seal certificate, power of attorney, transaction seal
Industrial BAnk
Only the person can open (real name verification certificate, transaction seal)
※ When opening an account at a bank, documents according to banking standards are required. Please confirm the documents you need to bring to the bank before opening.

If you need more detailed information, please call us anytime.
Customer Support Center|Customer Support Center ☎080-851-8282, Order Only ☎080-851-8200

Customer Support Center 080-851-8282
For order only 080-851-8200

Weekdays 08:00~18:00

A fund that is selected on a monthly basis by identifying and analyzing market trends

see details

Online transfer fee for 12 months
10 times per month waived

see details

group affiliates
ⓒ Hanwha Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

처음 주식하는 방법
