중장년내일센터 신청방법 Ministry of Employment and Labor for Tomorrow – Ministry of Employment and Labor opens up a bright future

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This is the policy for each target of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.

* Provide customized employment support services such as “Identification of career characteristics through basic and in-depth counseling → Classification of service types by individual goals → Lifetime career design program → Linkage with jobs, job education, and training → Follow-up management.”
▴(Support for job change for prospective retirees) In-depth counseling – job change readiness test – competency diagnosis – education/training – provision of employment/startup information, etc.
▴(Support for job seekers to leap forward again) In-depth counseling-education/training-employment/start-up information provision-employment placement-employment club-post management
* Self-development such as reading and writing, leisure culture, identity exploration, self-esteem recovery, psychological healing, relationship improvement, life design, and humanities competency strengthening programs by occupation (lecture, experience, tour, seminar, mentoring method, collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism)
Establishment of business operation plan
Ministry of Employment and Labor
Establish detailed operation plan and apply for budget grant
Middle Age Tomorrow Center
Conduct business
Middle Age Tomorrow Center
Project performance evaluation
Ministry of Employment and Labor

Copyright(c)Ministry of Employment and Labor. All rights reserved.

중장년내일센터 신청방법

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