전북은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Jeonbuk Bank customer center and phone number

Let’s learn about finding Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center Phone Number Branch 365 Corner and reporting loss. Jeonbuk Bank is a local bank affiliated with JB Financial Group. The head office is located in Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si. If you visit the Jeonbuk Bank website, you can find various information. Let’s learn more about Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center.

전북은행 고객센터

전북은행 고객센터

Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center Phone Number Branch 365 Corner Finder Report Lost
Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center Phone Number



Go to Jeonbuk Bank homepage



You can easily find the Jeonbuk Bank website by entering Jeonbuk Bank in the search box. You can access it by accessing the Jeonbuk Bank website and clicking Customer Center at the bottom. At the customer center, you can check customer consultation, accident report, security program, usage fee information, branch information, frequently asked questions (FAQ), etc.

Customer Center-Homepage
Customer Center Homepage
Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center website

Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center Phone Number



Customer Service Line
Customer Service Line
Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center Phone Number
Domestic 1588-4477
Overseas 82-63-270-8585
Foreigner 1588-4477(99)
Senior 1588-4477(5)
Branch 365 Find a corner



Branch and 365 corner information
You can find Jeonbuk Bank branches and 365 corners in Jeollabuk-do, Seoul, Daejeon/Sejong, and Incheon/Gyeonggi. You can find it more easily by searching for a branch near you and visiting it. You can find the branch phone number and 365 corner business hours.

Jeonbuk Bank Homepage > Customer Center > Branch Information
Jeonbuk Bank loss reporting information



Information on reporting loss
Information on reporting loss
Service type: Cash/debit/JB/check card, cashier’s check, bankbook, seal, security card
1588-4477 > No. 63 (Report loss through counselor No. 630)
Accident Report-Cancellation-Guide
Information on cancellation of accident report
Customer consultation menu



Customer consultation menu
Customer consultation menu
Our professional counselors will kindly provide guidance on any questions you may have or how to use the banking service. We support chatbot consultation, email consultation, and remote support consultation.

Main phone number: 1588-4477
Weekdays 09~20:00 / Saturdays 09~13:30 (excluding holidays)
24-hour operation for reporting financial accidents and losses
So far, we have learned about Jeonbuk Bank Customer Center phone number, branch 365 corner search, and reporting loss.