전국 자전거도로 National Bicycle Road Map : Naver Blog

전국 자전거도로National bicycle road map
The four-river cross-country bike route notebook issued two years ago with a huge dream!! I’ve taken 10 stamps so far. It’s already time to cross the country in two years, but it’s not easy to find time to ride it haha

Now, when I go to the market or go to work in a nearby street, I sometimes ride a bicycle and guard my house by the front door.
This year, I absolutely want to complete the course along the Han River. From now on, I’m uploading some maps of the national bicycle roads. Please refer to them.
Ara Bicycle Road Hangang Crossing Bike Road (Seoul Section) Bucheon-Hangang Crossing Course !! This is a course with a lot of people and a lot of sights to see.
Map of National Bicycle RoadsNamhan River Bicycle Paths Bicycle Paths Along the Han River
Map of the bike path along the Bukhangang River
The distance is relatively short, but they said that it takes a lot of strength. Still, they say the scenery around the bike path is very good.
Saejae Bicycle Road Map
Map of Ocha Bicycle Road It was created along five rivers and was named Ocheon Bicycle Road.
Map of the Nakdonggang River bicycle route (upper part) You know the length of the Nakdonggang River even if you don’t tell me?
Map of the Nakdonggang River Bike Path (downstream)
Map of Geumgang Jongju Bicycle Road
This course, which was mapped along the Yeongsan River Cycle Road, received three stamps, and there was a reason ㅠㅠ It was a course that I gave up halfway because a typhoon rained in the afternoon and the river swelled so much that the bike path was in danger of being submerged. Even thinking about it now, my heart breaks ㅠㅠ
Map of the Seomjingang Riverside Bicycle RoadThe Seomjingang River course is the most used by bicycle clubs in spring. The reason for this is because of the cherry blossom road.
Map of Jeju Island’s Jongju Bicycle Road (under construction) It’s still under construction, but when it’s ready to be built, the number of visitors to Jeju Island will increase.
Keep your health and make memories. Bicycle riding is recommended* Be careful of accidents and ride!!!

It seems that there are many things that we inadvertently overlook in our daily lives. I want to share these things ^^

전국 자전거도로
