적금 이자 높은 은행 추천 및 찾는법 How to recommend and find a bank with high interest on installment savings

1 year installment savings interest high bank installment deposit interest rate high place






What are the most popular products for saving and making seed money?
yes ! There must be a regular payment right away, right?
Under the condition of paying a certain fixed amount every month,
A product that provides a fixed interest rate,
Since fixed interest cannot be guaranteed in case of termination during the period,
It is one of the products that many people use because it has strong savings and is easy to sign up for.
Today, I’m going to learn about high banks and high interest rates for 1-year installment savings.
Comparing carefully, and taking higher interest
It can be said to be the most basic order of investment.


적금 이자 높은 은행

적금 이자 높은 은행

1 year installment savings interest high bank installment deposit interest rate high place

Most banks with high interest rates for one-year savings accounts and places with high interest rates for savings accounts
It is covered by the savings bank.
Apparently, the savings bank side is trying to catch customers who are flocking to the first financial sector.
That’s probably why they offer high interest rates.




What is the difference between installment savings products in general banks and savings banks?

First, as a general bank,
We can say that it is a large conglomerate-type bank that can be easily found even in the neighborhood.
Nonghyup, Suhyup, Woori Bank, Kookmin Bank, Industrial Bank of Korea, and Hana Bank belong to this category.

On the other hand, savings banks
Most of them are smaller in size than general banks in terms of financial situation or fund size.
There are Hyundai Swiss, Anguk, Dongyang, W, Jinheung, and Shilla Savings Banks.


Characteristics of banks with high interest rates for 1-year installment savings in general banks and places with high interest rates for installment savings

Most of the people who have their savings in commercial banks,
Because I am familiar with stability, I do not compare it with other products.
Sign up often.

As in the past, the interest rate of the first financial sector is not currently good.
If you paid 10-20% interest in the past, it is less than 4% now.
Not as good as before, but
By saving stable funds and using the bank you used to use,
It has the advantage of being able to build trading performance as well.
In addition, if the performance is high in the existing main bank,
Because you can get preferential rates,
You will need to check this when comparing banks with high interest rates for one-year installment savings and places with high interest rates for savings accounts.




Characteristics of banks with high interest rates for 1-year savings banks and places with high interest rates for savings banks

One of the characteristics of savings banks is their high interest rates.
Compared to general banks, we are trying to attract customers with higher interest rates.
Because interest rates are about 1-2% higher,
Unless you invest more than the depositor protection limit (50 million won)
can get a higher interest rate
It is more effective to use a savings bank’s installment savings bank with high interest rates.
You will be successful in raising funds.



Things to keep in mind when subscribing to savings bank installment savings products

1. Review safety with experts

Recently, there are frequent business suspension cases due to poor management of savings banks.
It would be good to have the bank’s BIS (capital adequacy ratio) and financial situation verified by an expert.

2. Depositor protection

Depositor protection is available up to KRW 50 million in both the 1st and 2nd financial sectors.
1 In the case of the financial sector, since the amount of funds is large,
It can be said that safety is high, but in the case of savings banks
There are some concerns about investing more than depositor protection.
It’s true.
So, if possible, save for less than that amount.
When the target funds are gathered, it is possible to make money such as time deposits, principal guarantee type ELS, and funds.
It is better to manage it as a product that can be done.


How to save money and make money effectively

Among the investment methods that experts say, there is something called “diversified investment.”
Rich people who practice diversification thoroughly,
Never invest all of your investment in one product.
The reason is that stable investment and aggressive investment are combined through diversified investment.
Low risk and high returns.

Do only rich people who have a lot of money to invest and save diversify?

A person who has saved all his money in a bank with a high interest rate on an installment savings account or a place with a high interest rate on an installment savings account for three years,
With various products such as 3-year funds, savings accounts, banks with high interest rates, and bonds
If you look at the result after 3 years of the person who divided the investment,
There is bound to be a huge difference in returns.



Banks are currently under-performing due to low interest rates.
After deducting the 15.4% income tax, the reality is that there is not much left over.
That is why,
Be sure to invest in installment savings for funds that will be used one year later or two years later.
Funds such as housing funds and wedding funds that are saved for the purpose of long-term use for more than two years
Divided into installment funds, bonds, and stock-linked products
Effectively diversifying your investments will allow you to expect higher returns.

In the case of the savings fund mentioned above,
By paying a certain amount every month, such as installment savings,
Low risk and high return can be expected through the cost average effect
It has advantages and is highly recommended by experts.
Please keep in mind with banks with high interest rates on installment savings.


Investment method by period recommended by experts

1~2 years: term deposit, installment savings, high interest special sale deposit
2-5 years: stock-linked products such as installment funds, bonds, ELS, and ELF
More than 5 years: Welfare and tax products such as compound interest installment savings, insurance, and tax-free savings products

Recently, banks, insurance companies, and securities companies
There are dozens of new financial products coming out every day.
That’s why we don’t just look at places with high interest rates,
For various products with high stability and higher yields, such as installment savings,
It is always necessary to pay attention and listen to information.






In order to learn about detailed products, there are many cases where you visit a bank or securities company directly.
In fact, there is a limit to obtaining useful information from these consultation counters.
The reason is that, rather than comparing products accurately and in detail,
It’s because the purpose is to advertise and sign up for their products.

Therefore, we compare the products of each company from a more objective standpoint,
Information on investment strategies tailored to the latest economic trends
It would be more effective to use the Financial Planning Center.


Recently, because there are many free financial planning centers available for free,
It is also a good way to make full use of it.
Recommended free financial planning centers include:
It has a high reputation and is used by 3 to 4,000 people every month.
There is “Korea Financial Planning Center (shortcut) Free Financial Planning Center”.

Even a simple deposit
Once you start saving, you have to invest your own money for one to two years.
During that period, an opportunity cost arises from not being able to invest a certain amount of money in another product.
valuable assets,
Do not think lightly, consult with experts,
About the investment strategy that can be most effective in your current situation
I hope you can organize and call assets quickly.


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