자동차세 조회방법 및 납부방법 How to check and pay car tax

This is a local tax that must be paid without fail after checking the automobile tax. If you fail to pay, your license plate may be imprisoned, so you must pay. Even if you do not drive, taxes are incurred if the vehicle is registered in your name.

자동차세 조회

자동차세 조회

Automobile tax is levied twice regularly in June and December for vehicles with an annual tax exceeding 100,000 won. For vehicles with an annual tax amount of less than 100,000 won, such as compact cars, trucks, and vans, the full annual automobile tax is levied in June. Also, if you apply for annual automobile tax payment in January, March, June, and September and make a lump sum payment, you can receive a discount of up to 6.4% as of 2023.


How to check and pay car tax
Search Witax on the portal site and access the homepage.

Click the login menu at the top right of the Witax homepage.

Just select a login method and log in. Please note that there is a member login and a non-member login. Even if you log in as a non-member, you must register as a member to view and pay car taxes, so it is convenient to register and log in first.

If you have logged in, select the menu at the top in the following order: Payment → Local Tax.

If you search for car tax, it will be marked as car tax (automobile) and you can check the tax item, taxpayer name, amount, payment due date, local government, and electronic payment number. The electronic payment number can be confirmed on the bill sent by the local government or by inquiring at the local government in charge.

When paying taxes, check the automobile tax (automobile) item and click pay.

Then, you can choose between paying as a member or paying as a third party.
Membership payments can only be made through an account or credit card in the name of the registered member. Payments by others can also be made through a card or account in the name of another person, so you can choose whichever you prefer.

Please note that if you do not pay your car tax by the due date, a 3% penalty will be added.
Check the payment amount, select the payment method, and complete the payment.
The receipt can be viewed in the payment confirmation menu.


Automobile tax annual payment discount rate (tax credit rate)
If you apply for annual automobile tax payment and pay the entire annual tax amount in advance, you can receive a certain amount of discount. The annual automobile tax reporting and payment period is from the 16th to the end of the year, and applications can be made four times in total: January, March, June, and September. You can apply through Witax or by phone. Please note that for vehicles with an annual tax of less than 100,000 won, annual payment can only be applied for in January and March.

Deduction period according to reporting payment period
January (16th to 31st): January to December
March (16th to 31st): April to December
June (16th – 30th): July – December
September (16th to 30th): October to December
If you apply for annual automobile tax payment, you can receive a tax credit of up to 6.4% in 2023 even if you apply in January.