인터넷 속도 측정 LG Internet speed measurement (kt, sk, lg)

인터넷 속도 측정 LGI use the Internet a lot.
But lately, I feel like things have slowed down.
Before trying to speed up the internet speed, I measured the internet speed first. Fortunately, the internet service was actually available at the requested speed. We’ll have to wait and see for now.

Today, we will learn how to measure internet speed for KT, SK, LGU+, etc.

Internet speed measurement


There are many sites that can measure your internet speed. The representative site is the Korea Intelligence and Information Society Agency (NIA).
Measuring your internet speed is very simple.

1. Click “Internet Speed” on the NIA site.
2. After checking the terms and conditions, check to agree. Select your carrier, service product, and region and click “Measure.”

Measure internet speed

3. Check the internet speed measurement results. You can compare the download and upload speed results to see if there is a difference with the speed of the product being serviced. If you are receiving a 500Mbps service, the speed should be similar to this for proper speed.

Internet speed measurement results

You can also use quality measuring instruments officially provided by KT, SK Broadband, and Lg U+. Some services require membership.

If your internet is slow, measure the speed and find a solution.

civil service.com

인터넷 속도 측정 LG
