인스타 줄바꿈 How to simplify line breaks on Instagram :: Sabujak Blog

인스타 줄바꿈After selecting a photo or video to upload on Instagram, I worked hard to post it using spaces and line breaks, but why?? Have you ever felt embarrassed when you uploaded and found that none of the Instagram line breaks were applied?

In my case, in the early days of using Instagram, I wrote posts with line breaks, but there were no line breaks at all, which ruined readability, so I had to edit or delete the uploaded posts. At first, I thought it was simply a systematic error, but it stayed the same no matter how many times I modified it, so I found out that Instagram doesn’t reflect it properly when I press enter after entering text and then change a line.

Well, in this post, I will tell you how to change lines on Instagram that I have found and am using!

An easy and simple way to solve Instagram line change errors is to use the Instagram line change site. A site famous for changing lines on Instagram is ‘Instablank.com.’ The site can be used on a PC, but you can also use it on mobile by conveniently searching and accessing it on Safari, Naver, or Daum.

When you go to Instablank.com, you will see buttons such as Text, Result, Character, Load, Font, Link, etc. Select ‘Text’ among them! After selecting the text, simply enter the text you want to post in your Instagram post.

Once you have written all the text you want to upload to the post, click the blue button that says ‘Automatically convert line breaks’ just below the text input window.

After pressing the automatic conversion button for line breaks, check the phrase “copy success” and click the “Copy” button one more time next to the automatic conversion result right above the text input window to copy the post.

Then go back to Instagram, select the photos and videos you want to upload, paste them into the post text input window, the text with line breaks will be entered, and click the share button to complete the post upload.

If you enter text on Instagramblank.com and paste the copied text, it will be posted with the spaces between paragraphs maintained!

You need to change the lines on Instagram, but if you find it annoying to go to the space dot com site every time you log in to Naver or Daum, there is also a way to download the Instagram line change app.

If you go to the App Store or Play Store and search for Instagram line change or Instagram line change, the Instagram line change app will appear. If you check the reviews, download it, and use it, you will be able to use Instagram line breaks a little more conveniently than having to go to blank.com, write a post, and copy and paste every time you access the site, right?

If you are using an iPhone, there is a way to enable line changing on Instagram without downloading Instagram blank.com or the Instagram line change app. Just use a notepad!

If you write down the post you want to upload in the iPhone’s own notepad app, then copy and paste what you wrote in the notepad, the content will be entered on Instagram with line breaks applied.

These days, I see a lot of people writing long explanations on Instagram. When writing, spacing and line breaks are essential to improve readability. In the case of Instagram, readability is even more important because posts are mostly viewed on the phone.

Therefore, line breaks are not applied at all, and spacing and paragraph line breaks should be properly applied rather than long, continuous lines of text, so that neighbors who are interested in checking my posts can read them comfortably, right?

We looked into ways to change lines on Instagram that may be helpful to those who have experienced inconveniences due to line change errors even though they wrote a post on Instagram and clearly pressed Enter to change the line. I hope this post was helpful, so I’ll end it here. Thank you for reading^^

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인스타 줄바꿈
