의사가 먹지않는 음식 9 Foods Doctors Never Eat

의사가 먹지않는 음식In order to live a healthy life, you need to pay attention to what you eat along with exercise. Doctors are well aware of how certain foods work on the body.
Here are 9 unhealthy foods that doctors will never eat.
◇ Processed meat
In October 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated processed meat as a group 1 carcinogen. This is because processed meats such as bacon and sausage contain large amounts of unhealthy fat, cholesterol, and preservatives. It contains a lot of sodium as well as coloring agents and additives.
When it enters the human body, it causes inflammation in the blood vessels within 3 hours, which can adversely affect the heart as well as the threat of high blood pressure and various cancers. Cardiologist David Gunner once said, “Processed meat is the least nutritious animal by-product.”
◇ carbonated drinks

Soda is a lump of fructose that is bad for the liver. Fructose is absorbed faster than sugar, which raises blood sugar and causes high blood pressure. Phosphate contained in carbonic acid releases calcium and causes osteoporosis.
Diet sodas are lower in calories than regular drinks, but contain more artificial sweeteners to give them a sweeter taste. Artificial sweeteners that replace sugar are fatal to the brain.
◇ canned food

Canned food, one of the easy-to-cook foods, is loved by many because it can be easily eaten anywhere. However, doctors recommend not eating canned food.
This is because the inside of the can contains many harmful substances. Epoxy resin coating is used to prevent the inside of the can in contact with food from rusting. Epoxy resin is a raw material of bisphenol A, an environmental hormone.
Even small amounts of endocrine disruptors can occur during the distribution of canned food. If you must eat it, it is best to discard all liquid in the can and eat only the contents.
◇ ice cream

Synthetic coloring is a lump of additives mixed with artificial seasonings, sugar, and pigments.
In particular, ‘tar pigment’ added to ice cream affects atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and asthma, and can cause cancer if consumed excessively.
American nutritionist Dr. Mike Hurt said, “Ice cream is the worst food ever given to man.”
◇ white chocolate

White chocolate is high in sugar and low in cocoa, so it is no different from a lump of sugar. If you eat chocolate, eating dark chocolate with a high cocoa content is better for your health.
This is because the flavanols (antioxidants) contained in cacao are effective in reducing cell damage related to heart disease, lowering blood pressure, and improving blood vessel function.
◇ Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn, which can be easily cooked, contains up to 11 grams of trans fat per 100 grams.
Many of the popcorn bags are coated with PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid), an environmental pollutant, which causes brain, nerve, and liver disease.
Researchers at the National Institute of Medicine in Denver, USA, found that men who ate microwaved popcorn every day for 10 years developed bronchial obstruction. Bronchopulmonary obstruction is a serious, life-threatening lung disease.
The research team pointed out that ‘diacetyl’, which is artificially added to popcorn to give it a buttery flavor, was the cause of the lung disease.
◇ Flour

Gluten, which is introduced in the flour processing process, causes many diseases. It is not well absorbed in the intestines, so it lowers the digestive function. Continuous excessive intake can cause diseases such as chronic constipation, obesity, decreased bone density, and skin eczema.
◇ fat-free milk

Whole milk contains many nutrients that you cannot get from skimmed milk. People look for fat-free milk to consume less fat in milk, but the fat in whole milk is not enough to contribute to obesity. It is better to drink whole milk that contains the right nutrients.
◇ Margarine

The reason why margarine is bad for the body is because of the “trans fat” created during processing. Since it has a much higher oil content than butter, excessive intake adversely affects cardiovascular health.

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