우리카드 고객센터 및 전화번호 Woori Card customer center and phone number

We will inform you of Woori Card Customer Center’s operating hours, how to use it, and phone number.
For those who were curious about the Woori Card customer center phone number and operating hours,
If you are curious about how to use the customer center, please refer to this.

우리카드 고객센터

우리카드 고객센터


Now, let’s start providing information on Woori Card’s customer service center.
We will start by providing guidance first with the representative ARS number.
Our Carg customer center representative ARS number is said to be divided into two types.
It is said that the main number is divided into 1588-9955 and 1599-9955.



Woori Card Customer Center Shortcut Number
When you call the two phone numbers above, you will need to select the service you want. For individual members, pressing 1 will take you to the individual member service menu. If you lose your card, press 8.

Number 1: Individual member
No. 2: Affiliate store
No. 3: Business/Welfare
No. 4: Non-member inquiring about new or single card
No. 5: Prepaid/Gift Card Forest Welfare Service
No. 7: Card password, use registration
No. 8: Lost card/voice phishing report, overseas transaction suspended
#: Major services such as payment utilization inquiry, etc.

After selecting individual member number 1, you must press the speed dial number for each desired service. It is convenient to use the detailed services by referring to the information below. If you want to connect to a counselor, just press 0. The agent connection is ‘No. 1 > No. 0’.

■ ‘No. 1’ individual member detailed menu

1. Inquiry about payment amount, usage history, and fuel price subsidies
2. Check usage limit and increase limit
3. Inquiries regarding immediate payment or deposit
4. Long-term card loan (card loan) or short-term card loan (cash advance)
5. Check points and mileage
6. Payment notification service, issuance of various certificates
7. Apply to continue using a dormant card or cancel the card
8. Reissue card, change password
9. Send chatbot connection text message
0. Employee connection

It is said that there is also a number available to connect quickly depending on the job.
We will also guide you through this and check it out right away.
For inquiries regarding Woori Card Customer Center and reporting loss of card, please call 1588-5300.