우리은행 영업시간 및 ATM찾기 Woori Bank business hours and ATM finder

Woori Bank operates various branches and ATMs across the country to provide customers with convenient financial services. If you know the business hours and branch information accurately, you can use banking services more efficiently. Below you will find Woori Bank’s business hours, how to find a branch, and how to find an ATM location.

우리은행 영업시간

우리은행 영업시간

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Woori Bank business hours


Woori Bank’s general branch business hours are as follows:


Weekdays: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Weekends and public holidays: Closed


However, some branches located at the airport or major stations may have special business hours, so it is recommended to check with the branch before visiting.


You can call Woori Bank Customer Center (1588-5000) to inquire about the location and business hours of your nearest branch.



Find a branch




Woori Bank official website


Click on branch information at the bottom of the homepage.





Search for the desired branch name or

You can check all branches in your area with a local search.








Woori Bank mobile app


Download and install the Woori Bank mobile app.

After running the app, use the ‘Find Branch’ function to search for the desired branch.



Contact customer service center


You can call Woori Bank Customer Center (1588-5000) to inquire about the location and business hours of your nearest branch.




Go to branch location

Go to Two Chairs PB branch location


Find Woori Bank ATM


Woori Bank official website


Click on the branch information at the bottom of the homepage.





Select the automation corner in the branch information and search by branch name or map.



You can check the ATM location as a search result.



Naver Map and Kakao Map


Run the Naver Map or Kakao Map app.

You can find an ATM near you by entering ‘Woori Bank ATM’ in the search bar.

You can check information such as operating hours along with detailed location.



Contact customer service center


You can call Woori Bank Customer Center (1588-5000) to inquire about the nearest ATM location and operating hours.



Go to Woori Bank ATM location search link


If you take advantage of Woori Bank’s business hours, branches, and ATM locations, you can handle your financial affairs more easily. Please check accurate information through the official website, mobile app, map service, etc. With Woori Bank, which always puts customer convenience first, you can enjoy your financial life with peace of mind.