요양보호사 자격증 국비지원 How to get government subsidy for caregiver academy expenses Simple application

In order to obtain a caregiver license, you must attend an academy. In general, when you register for an academy, the cost is about 700,000 won. However, if you go to an academy with government subsidy, the academy fee is free from 20,000 to 300,000 won to 0 won. Let’s take a look at how to obtain a national certification, a nursing care worker’s license, and how to go about receiving state financial support for a care worker. 요양보호사 자격증 국비지원

요양보호사 자격증 국비지원

Nursing care worker academy fee 1분전
There are about 1,000 nursing care academies nationwide. The amount varies from region to region, but about 700,000 won is formed for the academy. The academy is a private academy, and the government provides a certain amount of money to the academy for caregivers so that people can attend the academy at a low price.

The National Tomorrow Learning Card, which anyone in Korea can apply for, can be easily applied through the job training portal HRDNET, and it is a good system that the country pays a certain amount when payment is made at the academy after application.

How to apply for government support
The method of applying for government subsidy is simple. After signing up as a member on the job training portal site operated by the Human Resources Development Service under the Ministry of Employment and Labor, a national institution, you fill in the details of your authentication, and a National Learning Card for Tomorrow will be issued in your name. This is a service in which the state pays for some or all of the amount if you go to the nursing home school with this card and make a payment.


Nursing care worker academy fee

Nursing care worker academy fee
These are the results of a search for nursing care academies in Seongbuk-gu, Gwanak-gu, Seoul. The training period is 30 days and the actual class time is 240 hours. You must listen for 8 hours a day, and you must complete 240 hours to qualify for the nursing care worker exam.

The academy fee is in the range of 600,000 to 720,000 won, and if you apply for the tomorrow learning card here, the training cost self-pay is about 270,000 to 320,000 won.

General students 720,000 won
Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card trainees 270,000~320,000 won
Employment Success Package Type 1 Participant KRW 0
Employment Success Package (Chwiseong-pae) Type 2 trainee 270,000~320,000 won
Nursing care worker, nurse, social worker, academy fee

In the case of nurse social worker and nursing care worker qualifications, the amount is reduced because the completion time is short. Basically, if you do not have a national tomorrow learning card, it is 250,000 won, and if you have a tomorrow learning card, you can attend the academy at half price, 145,000 won.