쏘카 고객센터 및 사고처리 방법 Socar Customer Center and Accident Handling Methods

If a vehicle you rented through SOCAR breaks down or has an accident while in use, we will provide you with the SOCAR customer center number and how to connect to a counselor so that you can quickly contact them. Please note that if you do not report a vehicle breakdown or accident to the SOCAR customer center, you may not receive insurance benefits or may be charged a penalty fee for failure to report.

쏘카 고객센터

쏘카 고객센터

Table of Contents
SOCAR Customer Center Number
For those who use SOCAR, we will provide you with the phone numbers you need in case of an emergency.

1. SOCAR Emergency Dispatch Reception Center
The phone number for the SOCAR customer center’s emergency dispatch reception center is 1661-3315. In the event of an emergency such as an accident recovery site dispatch, emergency towing, emergency refueling, or battery charging, you can contact the SOCAR emergency dispatch reception center to report the accident and request a quick on-site dispatch.

SOCAR Emergency Dispatch Reception Center Phone Number: 1661-3315
Services Provided: SOCAR Usage Guide, Accident Reporting, Accident Recovery, Emergency Dispatch Reception for Flat Tires, Emergency Towing, Emergency Fueling, Battery Charging, etc.
Operating Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

2. SOCAR Accident Reception Center
The phone number for the SOCAR Customer Center’s Accident Reception Center (Accident Care Center) is 1661-4977. If you are using SOCAR and are experiencing a vehicle damage accident such as a collision or single-vehicle accident, you can quickly speak to a specialist by calling the Accident Reception Hotline (1661-4977).

SOCAR Accident Report Center Phone Number: 1661-4977 (Accident Report Direct Hotline)
Services Provided: Accident Insurance Report, Traffic Accident, Collision Accident, Single Accident, Damage Report and Processing
Operating Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

3. SOCAR Plan Contract Consultation Center
The SOCAR Customer Center’s SOCAR Plan Contract Consultation Center phone number is 1661-4885. If you need consultation regarding contract extension and additional driver registration, you can contact the SOCAR Plan Contract Consultation Center to receive faster service from a professional consultant.

Socar Plan Contract Consultation Center Phone Number: 1661-4885
Services Provided: Contract Extension, Additional Driver Registration, etc.
Operating Hours: Weekdays 10:00-19:00
4. Socar Talk
Mobile Chat Consultation
Operating Hours: 09:00-21:00, Open 365 Days

How to Report a Socar Accident
The emergency measures to take and the contact method for the Socar Customer Center number in the event of an accident while using Socar are as follows.

1. Car-to-car accident while driving
If a car-to-car accident occurs while driving, such as a collision accident while changing lanes or a collision while waiting for a signal or entering an intersection, you can contact the Socar Customer Center number 1661-3315 to report the accident and request on-site dispatch. The details of the accident will be automatically sent to the accident reporting center counselor for accurate accident reporting.

1. In the event of an accident, first take pictures of the direction of the vehicle, the collision scene between vehicles, the damaged area, and the overall appearance of the accident scene.

2. After completing the shooting, move to the shoulder of the road so as not to interfere with other vehicles, then contact the SOCAR Customer Center (1661-3315) to report the accident and request on-site dispatch.

3. Until the SOCAR Report Center calls, please register the accident photos using the provided link.

4. Wait after the on-site dispatch technician calls.

5. We will take steps to send the vehicle to the repair shop.

2. Parked vehicle accidents

If you collide with a parked vehicle, call the accident reception hotline at 1661-4977 to file an insurance claim. If the damage is serious, you can receive emergency dispatch service by calling the SOCAR Customer Center at 1661-3315.

1. First, contact the owner of the other vehicle and take photos of the damaged area.

2. After that, call the accident reception hotline at 1661-4977 to file an insurance claim with a specialist.

3. Damage to the other vehicle can be covered by insurance up to 100 million won.

4. Repair costs for the rented SOCAR vehicle will be charged according to the vehicle damage waiver insurance selected at the time of reservation.

3. Accident while parked
If the vehicle is damaged by hitting a wall or pillar while parked, take a photo of the damaged or scratched area and contact the accident reception center at 1661-4977 to receive prompt assistance from a professional counselor.

4. Emergency vehicle dispatch
If the vehicle gets a flat tire or requires emergency towing, emergency refueling, or battery charging while using the vehicle, you can receive emergency dispatch services by contacting the SOCAR customer center at 1661-3315.

In the case of a simple flat tire, the flat tire can be filled on-site, but if the tire needs to be replaced, you may need to tow it to a mechanic to replace the tire.

5. If you fall into a ditch while driving
If you fall into a ditch while driving, you can receive help from an emergency dispatch technician by calling the SOCAR accident reception hotline number 1661-4977 or the SOCAR customer center number 1661-3315.

However, if you use the emergency dispatch service due to customer negligence, a dispatch fee may be charged.

SOCAR accident processing process
Once an accident is received, you can check the accident processing progress through ‘View My Accidents’. Accident processing proceeds in the order of “Accident reception > Accident confirmation > Repair > Claim > Completion”, and you can receive detailed guidance for each step through the SOCAR app.

1. Accident reception: The accident has been normally received through the SOCAR accident reception center (accident reception hotline).

2. Accident confirmation: Check the details of the accident and the vehicle condition.

3. Repair: After the accident vehicle is brought to the repair shop, repairs will begin according to the schedule.

4. Claim: The vehicle repair claim amount and payment deadline will be notified.

5. Completion: The accident processing cost has been paid in full, and SOCAR can be used. If an accident occurs, membership will be temporarily suspended until all accident processing is completed, and SOCAR can be used again after processing is completed.

SOCAR accident processing cost
All SOCAR vehicles are covered by comprehensive automobile insurance, and accident processing costs can be compensated according to SOCAR insurance terms and conditions. However, additional costs may be incurred if towing or delivery costs occur.

If the accident is reported to the police and received, you must also contact the SOCAR accident center immediately. Please note that the police statement can have a significant impact on insurance coverage.

1. Customer burden
SOCAR vehicle repair cost: Depending on the exemption product selected when signing the vehicle rental contract, only the amount below the deductible is borne
The coverage scope of the vehicle damage exemption system includes vehicle repair costs and compensation for non-use. On-site handling costs such as emergency dispatch, towing, and rescue are excluded from the coverage.
Additional charges may apply if towing or delivery fees occur.
2. SOCAR Burden
Personal damage to the other party in an accident: Automobile comprehensive insurance personal injury compensation (unlimited)
Material damage to the other party in an accident: Automobile comprehensive insurance property damage compensation (up to 100 million won)
Injured part of the driver: Automobile comprehensive insurance child (up to 15 million won)