신한저축은행 온라인햇살론 Online Sunshine Loan < IBK Savings Bank

신한저축은행 온라인햇살론※ However, if your annual income is 35 million won or less (employed for more than 3 months), it is possible regardless of your personal credit score
1) Regular payment of health insurance premiums at your current job for more than 3 months (must have worked at your current job for more than 1 month and received salary)
2) Possession of a joint certificate or financial certificate, and mobile phone in your name
Up to 20 million won
– Workers: 9% per year (12-month variable interest rate)
※0.75%p preferential interest rate applied compared to Haetsal Loan (workers)
※Loan interest rate = base rate + additional rate
(Base rate: Weighted average interest rate of 1-year term deposits at all savings banks in the previous month / Additional rate: Applied differently depending on customer credit score, etc.)
Guarantee fee: 2.5% per year of the guarantee amount from the Korea Small Business Finance Promotion Agency

Guarantee fee preferential treatment

1) Low-income youth (annual income of 35 million won or less, 34 years of age or younger) 0.5%p Reduction
 2) Others (those who have completed credit debt management consulting, those who have completed financial education) 0.1%p reduction
 ※ Those who have completed credit debt management consulting and financial education: ‘21.7.26. New applications received and those who have completed the relevant education at the Korea Small Business Finance Promotion Agency within 1 year prior to the application date
Guarantee fee reduction: If the loan interest rate exceeds 10.5% per annum, the guarantee fee rate will be reduced by 60% of the excess amount (loan interest rate – 10.5%)
IBK Savings Bank Compliance Supervisor Deliberation No. 2024-163 (2024.07.31.~ 2025.07.30.)

신한저축은행 온라인햇살론
