신용회복위원회 소액대출 Conditions and application methods for small loans by the Credit Recovery Committee for Individual Rehabilitators

I chose to rehabilitate myself with a difficult decision, 신용회복위원회 소액대출

Through this, I’ve cleared my debt


and those who urgently need funds

I have it.

​신용회복위원회 소액대출

And for people like this

Usually, through the third financial sector, so-called loans and bonds

I’m trying to raise funds.


But it’s forbidden and you can’t handle it

It’s often at the level.

This is the time that the Credit Counseling and Recovery Service operates

You can consider using microfinance support.

Individual Rehabilitation System

faced with financial difficulties

out of individual debtors

I’m going to be able to earn income continuously in the future

The person who has the potential is

Individual rehabilitation systems are available.

This is

The total amount of debt is KRW 1 billion for unsecured debt,

In the case of collateral liabilities, it is less than 1.5 billion won

If you repay a certain amount for three years

It is a system that exempts the rest of the debt.

a comparative table of the debtor relief system

What is an individual rehabilitation person?

Individual rehabilitation is undergoing individual rehabilitation

It means a person.

And the loans that these people can get

It’s called individual rehabilitation loan.

But individual rehabilitators

Of course, the credit score is set low.

I can’t help it because I’ve been rehabilitated individually.

So, in a place like a commercial bank

It’s hard to get a loan with low interest rates.

Credit Recovery Commission microloans

For these individual rehabilitators

The Credit Recovery Commission has a microfinance system

We are operating it.

It’s either a lack of income or a lack of income

For low-credit people with low credit scores

in connection with credit recovery support

Lending emergency funds such as living stabilization funds and student loans

It is a system that supports economic recovery.

It doesn’t support a large amount of money

It is also called Credit Recovery Commission microloans.

Financial resources include financial companies, general enterprises, individuals, organizations, etc

Donations made by donations

It is raised with subsidies from local governments.

Therefore, the product list is very diverse.

Debt restructuring and individual rehabilitation

a person with serious injuries

Daejeon Metropolitan City

Dream loan

Busan Metropolitan City

the theory of sin

Gyeongsangbuk-do Province

a fall-out lecture

Gwangju Metropolitan City

the theory of light and sorrow

Seoul Metropolitan Government

an admonition

Gyeonggi Province

the theory of re-challenge

Daegu Metropolitan City

fence theory


funds for successful resurgence

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province


Incheon Metropolitan City

the theory of the truth


The Happier Chungnam Theory


the theory of happiness


Chungbuk Hope Fund

Gyeongsangnam-do Province

Gyeongnam Hope Theory


Dream of happiness

the theory of banking partnership

the theory of individual rehabilitation

the theory of hope ladder

LH Corporation’s Happiness Theory

social welfare theory

a fresh start

Credit card

love-filled theory

IBK Hope Theory

The person who faithfully repays debt adjustment and individual rehabilitation

The available microloan products are

I can see that there are 23 types in total.

But these micro-loans

Not everyone can use it.

You have to meet three major conditions.

Conditions of Credit Guarantee Loan (subject to support)

✅ Supported

Anyone who has been faithfully repaying debt for more than six months after receiving debt adjustment from the Credit Recovery Committee or has completed repayment within the last three years

A person who has faithfully repaid an individual rehabilitation plan for at least 12 months after obtaining approval from the court pursuant to the Debtor Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy Act, or who has completed repayment within the last three years

A person who has separately designated as a person eligible for support according to the purpose of contribution by the contributing entity of the microfinance fund

There are also reasons that are impossible.

Those who lack the income or capacity to repay the loan

Person whose overdue information is registered on the credit information inquiry table

a person with excessive possessions

Those with excessive debt incurred after debt adjustment (individual rehabilitation)

Anyone who has incurred a new debt within the last 6 months

✅ Supportability

In order to get a loan, the purpose of using the funds is

It should be five things below.


Use of funds

a living stabilization fund

emergency living stabilization funds due to accidents, diseases, disasters, etc

* Medical expenses, disaster recovery expenses, marriage funds, lease deposits, etc

student loan

University student funds of your own or dependents

a high-interest loan fund

High-interest credit loan repayment funds of 18% or more per year borrowed six months prior to the date of the loan application

* Short-term loans (credit card usage price, cash service, etc.), mortgage loans, etc. are not supported

Fund for facility improvement

Funds for the purchase and replacement of fixtures, equipment, and facilities of small business owners

operating funds

Operating funds for the purchase of raw materials, etc. of small self-employed business owners

Loans for purposes other than that

Approval is not possible.

✅ Support limit

The amount that can be supported varies by product,

Interest rates are within 4% per year,

The repayment method is equal division of principal and interest within 5 years.

Product type

loan limit

Repayment method

loan interest rate

Non-face-to-face microloans limit

a living stabilization fund

Debt adjustment 6 to 8 months repayment: up to KRW 2 million

Debt adjustment 9 to 11 months repayment: up to KRW 3 million

Debt adjustment 12 to 23 months repayment: up to KRW 10 million

Over 24 months of debt adjustment: up to KRW 15 million

up to five years

Equal division of principal and interest

Within 4.0% per annum

Debt adjustment 6 to 8 months repayment: up to KRW 2 million

Debt adjustment 9 to 11 months repayment: up to KRW 3 million

Debt adjustment 12 to 23 months repayment: up to KRW 5 million신용회복위원회 소액대출 신용회복위원회 소액대출 신용회복위원회 소액대출 신용회복위원회 소액대출 신용회복위원회 소액대출

a high-interest loan fund

Fund for facility improvement

operating funds

student loan

Up to 10 million won

2.0% per annum

3 Compared to the case of receiving loans from the financial sector

It’s a very low level of interest rate

You can see it.

✅ Support procedures

The application process proceeds in six steps as follows.

① Consultation and reception

② Examination of eligibility

③ a resolution of the loan committee

④ Conclusion of a loan agreement

⑤ Deposit of loans

⑥ monthly repayment of principal and interest

a non-face-to-face microloan

If the amount required is less than 3 million won,

If the purpose of use is emergency living funds

You don’t visit, you can use your PC or mobile

You can apply for a microloan.

This is due to the debt restructuring of the Credit Counseling and Restoration Commission

You have been repaying faithfully for more than six months without payment,

Those who have completed repayment within the last 3 years

You are eligible for support.

Interest rates are within 4% per annum,

It is paid back in equal installments of principal and interest within up to 3 years.

Check the details on the page below

It is possible.