신용정보 조회 이력 Credit information inquiry history, points not to be missed

Credit information inquiry history, comparative analysis of points not to be missed
1. What is credit information inquiry history? 신용정보 조회 이력

1.1 Definitions

Records of who, when, and for what reason an individual’s credit information (loan, payment, delinquency, etc.) has been viewed
1.2 Importance

신용정보 조회 이력

Personal information protection: Check that it has not been viewed without your consent
Fraud Prevention: Prevent credit information theft and respond quickly 이베이스매뉴얼
Credit management: Identify and improve your credit situation
2. Comparison of methods for checking credit information inquiry history

2.1 Method

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Financial Supervisory Service electronic civil service: Free identity verification process once every 4 months. Inconvenient.
Simple fee incurred by visiting a financial institution
Fees incurred for providing various information using credit inquiry companies
2.2 Selection criteria

Inquiry frequency: within 4 months For frequent inquiries, use a financial institution or credit inquiry company
Type of information: Use a credit reference company if you need detailed information
3. Interpretation of credit information inquiry history

3.1 Main items

Purpose of inquiry: Individual, financial institution, other
Inquiry agency: financial institution, credit inquiry company, other agency
View Date: Date and time
3.2 Analysis method

Intensive inquiry at short intervals of time: Suspicion of possible fraud
Inquiry into unknown organizations/companies: Suspicion of possible credit information theft
4. Criteria for determining abnormality

4.1 Precautions

Inquiry history that you did not apply for
Inquiry history from unknown organizations/companies
Intensive inquiry at short time intervals
4.2 Additional confirmation

Financial Supervisory Service Fine Site: Reference to cases of damage from credit information theft
Credit reference company: You may be requested to provide detailed information.
5. Respond when problems arise

5.1 Report

Report to Financial Supervisory Service electronic complaint or credit inquiry company
Evidence needs to be secured when reporting damage from credit information theft
5.2 Others

Report to police station: When damages occur
Legal advice: In case of serious damage
6. Tips for managing credit information inquiry history

Regular check: Check at least once every 4 months
Check for abnormalities: Beware of unfamiliar organizations/companies and frequent inquiries.
Quick response when problems arise: report and secure evidence
7. Additional information

8. Summary of related terms

Credit Information: Records of an individual’s economic activities.
Credit rating: Credit level calculated based on credit information
Credit inquiry: The act of checking one’s credit information
9. Data organization

Organizing related organization contact information and website addresses
10. Discussion

Discussion on the importance of credit information
Discussing measures to prevent credit information theft
11. Cartoon

Cartoon expression of credit information inquiry history related content
12. Games

Create a game that matches words and descriptions related to credit information