신용불량자 조회 및 확인 Bad Credit Inquiry and Verification

If you do not pay for things that you have to pay, such as bank loans, utility bills, cell phone bills, and taxes, for a certain period of time without a good reason, you become a bad credit borrower.

신용불량자 조회

신용불량자 조회

So, I will tell you about the method of checking for bad credit borrowers and the credit rating score criteria for bad credit borrowers.

Bad credit borrowers – How to check

Table of Contents
How to check for bad credit borrowers
Nice Jikimi How to check for bad credit borrowers
All Credit site How to check for bad credit borrowers
Kakao Bank How to check for bad credit borrowers
Credit rating score criteria for bad credit borrowers
View credit rating score table
How to check for bad credit borrowers

1. Nice Jikimi site

2. All Credit site

3. Kakao Bank

You can check for bad credit borrowers in these three ways.

Below, I will explain in detail how to check for bad credit borrowers on each site.

Bad credit recovery period and criteria

Nice Jikimi How to check for bad credit borrowers
1. Access the Nice Jikimi site.

2. Select the smiling data life at the top.

3. Select the free credit inquiry at the bottom of the consumer protection tab.

4. Verify your identity.

5. Check your credit rating score.

You can check your credit rating score for free 3 times a year on the Nice Jikimi site.

Go to the Nice Jikimi site

How to check bad credit on the All Credit site

1. Access the All Credit site.

2. Select the National Free Credit Inquiry icon in the middle of the homepage.

3. Select Member/Non-member Credit Inquiry.

4. Verify your identity with your mobile phone number.

5. Check your credit rating score.

You can check your credit rating for free 3 times a year on the All Credit site.

However, you cannot check it 3 times in a short period.

Since you can check it once per quarter, please keep this in mind.

Go to the All Credit site
All Credit-site

How to check for bad credit at Kakao Bank
1. Download the Kakao Bank app.

2. Run Kakao Bank and log in.

3. Select Find out your credit score at the bottom of the Kakao Bank screen.

4. Check your credit rating score.

You can check your credit rating and bad credit in these three ways.

Credit rating score criteria for bad credit
Then, I will tell you what the credit rating score is for bad credit.

There are credit ratings from grade 1 to grade 9.

Of course, grade 1 is a good credit rating.

You can generally think of bad credit ratings from grade 7 onwards as bad credit.

Grades 7, 8, and 9 are classified as bad credit ratings.

View credit rating score chart
The term credit rating is familiar, but it has been changed from credit rating to credit score since a few years ago.

Many people do not know what the credit rating score is high or average.