소액생계비대출 대상 ‘Up to 1 million won’ small living expenses loan, more loans after repayment – Policy News | News | Republic of Korea Policy Briefing

소액생계비대출 대상#1. I was at a loss because my income was cut off, but I was grateful that I was able to receive a small-sum living expenses loan immediately, and I will definitely use this opportunity to get reemployed and overcome my difficult situation. – Mr. C, a daily construction worker
#2. I was psychologically depressed due to repeated failures in reemployment, but I will succeed in getting a job based on the small-sum living expenses loan and various other employment support systems linked together. – Mr. E, career gap
The small-sum living expenses loan, which is designed to absorb the loan demand of the vulnerable class with low credit who are easily exposed to illegal financial institutions into policy finance for the common people, has been in operation for one year.
The small-sum living expenses loan will be improved even more closely. 1. Re-loan for full repayment (September 2024~)
ㆍIf a user who has fully repaid a small amount of living expenses loan needs a small amount of living expenses again, it can be used again

– The final interest rate (minimum 9.4%) applied at the time of previous loan repayment is applied

2. Strengthening debt adjustment (During the 4th quarter of 2024)
ㆍStrengthening debt adjustment support from the Korea Small Business Finance Agency

Example) If it is determined that the ability to repay interest is available even if the maturity extension conditions are not met, a maturity extension system will be established with the condition of partial payment of principal and interest (planned) ㆍMultiple debtors will be encouraged to use the debt adjustment system by linking to the Credit Recovery Committee and will also be supported for court rehabilitation/bankruptcy applications and costs, etc.

3. Support for improving repayment ability (During the second half of 2024)
ㆍNot only when the initial loan is issued, but also after receiving a small amount of living expenses loan, employment/welfare (re)guidance and (re)linkage promotion for delinquent borrowers
ㆍSupport for debt management of delinquent borrowers Establishment of a credit and debt consulting program for those experiencing difficulties (Korea Inclusive Finance Agency)
We will continue to strengthen debt adjustment support for those experiencing difficulties and fundamentally improve the repayment ability of users through financial-employment-welfare linkage programs.
#1. I was at a loss for my livelihood due to a loss of income, but I was grateful that I could immediately receive a small-sum living expenses loan. I will definitely use this opportunity to get reemployed and overcome my difficult situation. – Mr. C, a daily construction worker
#2. I was psychologically depressed due to a series of reemployment failures, but I will succeed in getting a job based on not only the small-sum living expenses loan but also various employment support systems linked to it. – Mr. E, career gap
The small-sum living expenses loan, which aims to absorb the loan demand of vulnerable groups with low credit who are easily exposed to illegal financial institutions into policy living expenses finance, has been in operation for one year.
The small-sum living expenses loan will be improved even more closely. 1. Re-loan for full repayment (September 2024~)
ㆍIf a user who has fully repaid a small amount of living expenses loan needs a small amount of living expenses again, it can be used again

– The final interest rate (minimum 9.4%) applied at the time of previous loan repayment is applied

2. Strengthening debt adjustment (During the 4th quarter of 2024)
ㆍStrengthening debt adjustment support from the Korea Small Business Finance Agency

Example) If it is determined that the ability to repay interest is available even if the maturity extension conditions are not met, a maturity extension system will be established with the condition of partial payment of principal and interest (planned) ㆍMultiple debtors will be encouraged to use the debt adjustment system by linking to the Credit Recovery Committee and will also be supported for court rehabilitation/bankruptcy applications and costs, etc.

3. Support for improving repayment ability (During the second half of 2024)
ㆍNot only when the initial loan is issued, but also after receiving a small amount of living expenses loan, employment/welfare (re)guidance and (re)linkage promotion for delinquent borrowers
ㆍSupport for debt management of delinquent borrowers Establishment of a credit and debt consulting program for those experiencing difficulties (Korea Inclusive Finance Agency)
We will continue to strengthen debt adjustment support for those experiencing difficulties and fundamentally improve users’ repayment ability through financial-employment-welfare linkage programs.
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소액생계비대출 대상
