설빙 기프티콘 사용법 How to order BHC Gifticon delivery, using Kakao Gift

설빙 기프티콘 사용법How to use BHC Gifticon How to use Chicken Gifticon online delivery order site, Kakao Gift Gifticon without a delivery application

A post about how to use the gifticon received from KakaoTalk Gift. It is a simple way that even those who are confused or do not know can complete an order in 3 minutes. It is easy to order with KakaoTalk itself, but there are times when it is not possible. If you can’t order delivery, try this method.

First, check the gift received. First, even if you accidentally erase the saved gifticon, it is safely stored in the KakaoTalk application before it expires. Turn on the KakaoTalk application first, and press the three-dot button on the far right at the bottom. Select the ‘Gift’ category !
Go to ‘Gift Box’ in the top right corner of the gift giving category

You can see gifticons that you have not used at a glance in the ‘Received Gift Box’, and you can click to check them to use them.
If you take a quick look at the bottom menu, order history – In the case of a product received by delivery, if the order was made within Kakao Talk Friend’s wish list – Useful for gifting to your Kakao talk friends’ wish list Gift review – You can leave a review for the gifticon you used .Register gift code – Likewise, you can register and use a gift received with a code.Shopping Points – Manage points refund/cash receipts accumulated when shopping on the KakaoTalk shopping tab – A tab where you can manage refund details and cash receipt details without needing explanation am.

If you have checked this far, use the gifticon,
Press the gifticon you want to use and press the barcode number with ‘Copy number’ below the barcode.

Access the BHC website
Check the information of BHC

Select ‘e-coupon’ at the bottom of the mobile main page
Select order type delivery order or takeout order

Enter your current location to search for stores near you.
After selecting a store, enter your home address and delivery information, and paste the barcode number you copied earlier into ‘E-coupon number’.

If you’ve made it this far, your order is complete!
If you just press the confirmation button, a confirmation window appears indicating that the order has been received, and an order notification is sent through KakaoTalk.
If you’re worried, take a good look at the order number that appears on the order completion page and check it again.

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설빙 기프티콘 사용법
