생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health checkup items by life cycle, type of subject, and cost

The government conducts health checkups to ensure the health of all citizens. Depending on your age, testing is available for free. So, let’s find out what kind of tests you can get for each age group, how much it costs if you get additional tests, and how to find a hospital.

생애주기별 건강검진

생애주기별 건강검진

1. Health checkup subjects and checkup items
(1) Subject
This is available to those who have health insurance at work, local subscribers, household members and dependents over the age of 20, and recipients of medical benefits. Those eligible for annual check-up are those born in odd-numbered years and those born in even-numbered years in even-numbered years.


Search for a hospital for health checkup


What to prepare for a health checkup


If you missed the health checkup period

(2) Examination items
It is divided into general screening items and cancer screening items.

1) General examination: vision, hearing abnormalities, height, weight, body mass, waist circumference, fasting blood sugar, urine protein, chest X-ray

2) Cancer screening: stomach cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer



2. Types of health checkups by life cycle
Based on the general checkup mentioned above, health checkup items by life cycle are organized by age group as follows.

(1) Health checkup items for people in their 20s and 30s
Women can receive cervical cancer screening and mental health (depression) screening once every two years (in effect since 2019).

(2) Health checkup items for people in their 40s and 50s
Stomach cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer screening can be done once every two years, and colon cancer screening is available once a year for those in their 50s or older. People at high risk for hepatitis can undergo liver cancer screening once every six months. Additionally, men can undergo an ultrasound examination of the joint line, and women can undergo a bone density test and vitamin D level test.

(3) Health checkup items for those in their 60s or older
We perform musculoskeletal disease, osteoporosis tests, geriatric dementia, urinary incontinence, vascular disease tests, cancer tests, cognitive function tests, and geriatric physical function tests.

2. Additional examination costs
There may be slight differences in prices between hospitals. However, if you are personally worried about your health and want to get an additional test, you may be concerned about the cost of the test. The amounts below are not exact amounts, but can be viewed as a general guideline.

Category Inspection Item Amount
Endoscopic colonoscopy 225,000 won
Sleep endoscopy 165,000 won
CT coronary artery calcium CT 155,000 won
Abdominopelvic CT 265,000 won
Low-volume lung CT 191,000 won
Head Precision Head MRI & MRA KRW 1,500,000
Dementia MRI & MRA/ Dementia questionnaire 1,600,000 won
Ultrasound Carotid ultrasound 202,000 won
Echocardiogram 255,000 won
Thyroid ultrasound 132,000 won
Other cardiac exercise stress test/counseling 135,000 won
Bone density 51,000 won
Urea breath test 42,000 won
Ocular optical coherence tomography 150,000 won
Abdominal fat measurement 70,000 won
Colon cancer DNA stool test 200,000 won
Cancer predisposition genetic panel test 1
(42 types including BRCA1,2) KRW 1,200,000
Cancer predisposition genetic panel test 2 (40 types) KRW 1,000,000
Heart disease gene panel test 1,000,000 won
3. Hospital search
If you would like to search for a place where you can receive a health checkup in the area where you live, please refer to the article below and search.


Search for a hospital for health checkup


If you are curious about what to watch out for when getting a health checkup and what to do if the checkup period has passed, please refer to the article below.


What to prepare for a health checkup


If you missed the health checkup period