사업자 등록번호 조회 Business registration number inquiry

A business registration number is issued to every person running a business. Just like social security numbers, every business has a business registration number. Anyone can search for a business registration number, and there are many ways. There are several methods including how to search business registration number by business name. In this post, we will look up business registration number by business name. 사업자 등록번호 조회

사업자 등록번호 조회
Business registration number inquiry
To search business registration number by business name, you must access the website of the Fair Trade Commission. First, access the official website of the Fair Trade Commission. 좋은뉴스


Fair Trade Commission website
Access the Fair Trade Commission website and click Information Disclosure – Business Information Disclosure. If you are self-employed or running a business, this is a homepage you should visit frequently, and it is also useful for general consumers.


2020 Information Disclosure
In Disclosure of Business Information, you can search and search by entering the company name or trade name by year among four types of business operators. Other than 4 things, general seolsaob-Eun is not searched.


Business registration number search by business name
If you enter the company name or business name in the search box and search, the registration number of the company name, representative director, registration date, etc. will appear. You can see that quite a few businesses are searched even though they are specific businesses. If you know the name of the company you are looking for and the CEO, you can easily find out the business registration number.


In this post, I looked up the business registration number by business name. Other than this method, it is difficult to know the business registration number of another person, and if you have forgotten the business registration number of your business, you can access the Hometax website of the National Tax Service and find it by resident registration number.