발달재활서비스 신청방법 How to apply for 2023 developmental rehabilitation voucher application documents (speech therapy voucher)

발달재활서비스 신청방법We support appropriate and necessary services for improving cognitive, communication, adaptive behavior, sensory motor functions, etc. of growing children and children with disabilities, as well as behavioral development.

Developmental Rehabilitation Voucher Application Method Application Documents

Children under 18 years of age with brain damage, intellectual, autistic, hearing, language, and visual disabilities are eligible. As an exception, infants and toddlers under 6 years of age can apply for services by submitting a developmental rehabilitation service request form and examination data. Therefore, if language development is observed to be delayed during an infant and toddler examination, you can apply for it through an accurate examination. (However, applications are processed sequentially according to the local government budget) Children with general delays who are not registered as disabled can receive services until the month they turn 6.

You can receive various services such as language, hearing, art, music, behavior, play, psychology, and sensory motor skills, and you can trust them because you can receive treatment through developmental rehabilitation providers registered at the developmental rehabilitation voucher providing institution.

The treatment amount varies depending on the developmental voucher providing institution. For example, let’s assume that you receive 190,000 won in support as a type L. If the cost of one speech therapy session at the center is 45,000 won, then for 8 sessions, it would be 45,000 X 8 = 360,000 won. The original amount you have to pay is 360,000 won, but if you subtract the voucher support amount of 190,000 won, 170,000 won becomes your own burden. In principle, you have to pay your own burden in advance. In fact, the amount in the table above is the standard table set by the government. In reality, private centers other than welfare centers have higher standard unit prices than that amount. However, it is true that it is bitter to think that reducing the monthly payment from 360,000 won to 170,000 won is a benefit.

The amount of service support received will vary depending on the median income in 2023. Please refer to it. 2023.03.19 – [Life and Health Information] – 100% of median income as of 2023, summary of median income amount
Applicants, parents, household members, agents, and welfare officials can apply ex officio. Applications can be submitted at the town, township, or neighborhood community center of the address of the person applying for the service on their resident registration. Applications can be submitted throughout the year, but only if the results of the selection of the target are sent to the Korea Social Security Information Service by 18:00 on the 27th of every month from the city, county, or district, will a voucher be created for the following month. Please note that each local government has a set application period, and there are cases where applications are not accepted due to budget expiration, so please be sure to call before applying.

Today, we looked into the developmental rehabilitation voucher, which can be received as a speech therapy voucher. In fact, it is true that even if you receive rehabilitation treatment with a developmental rehabilitation voucher, it is not enough. However, since you can receive it at a slightly cheaper price, we recommend that you actively intervene so that your child can improve through early intervention. There are many different centers, so I hope you can find a treatment center that suits you and a therapist so that we can develop together.

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