미소금융 창업자금 신청방법 Support for reviews of microfinance startup loan conditions and procedures –

미소금융 창업자금 신청방법We support low-income people and those with low credit, who are socially vulnerable, to start businesses and use them as operating funds through microfinance funds.
Microfinance loans are a business that provides start-up or operating funds to financially underprivileged groups such as low-income people and those with low credit, without collateral or guarantee.
Microfinance loans are products that have less stringent terms and conditions, such as interest rates and limits, than loans received from commercial banks.
Microgeumyum Loan consists of four products: start-up fund/operating fund/facility improvement fund/emergency livelihood fund.

This product provides support for business rental deposits, initial operating funds, initial facility funds, and purchase of livelihood vehicles (1 ton or less).
Those who meet one of the following requirements among (planned) business start-ups:

A person who is a start-up and has been registered as a business for less than 6 months
※ When an unregistered business person purchases a vehicle for making a living, a loan limit of 10 million won and an annual interest rate of 4.5% are applied.

Support for purchase of products, semi-finished products, raw materials, etc. for self-employed people who have been operating for more than 6 months after registering a business in their name.
Existing business owners who meet one of the following requirements:
※ Even if you are eligible for a loan, the final loan decision will be made based on the results of the credit review.

After registering a business in one’s name, support for facility improvement funds for self-employed business owners who have been operating for more than 6 months
Existing business owners who meet one of the following requirements:

Support urgent living expenses, such as medical expenses, for faithful repayment patients among users of existing microfinance products.
Those who have faithfully repaid microfinance startup, operation, and facility improvement loans more than 12 times and have met one of the following requirements:
※ Standards for faithful repayment: Those who are using the loan normally without delinquency as of the date of application; cannot use if the number of overdue days for even one loan is more than 1 day)

People who fall into the following cases may have restrictions on receiving microfinance startup loans.

Looking at it this way, the conditions may seem very strict, but you can consider that you can receive it in case of low credit, although it is not for bad credit or rehabilitation/exemption.

Loan counseling can be provided at any nationwide Microfinance Integration Support Center or microfinance branch.
For consultation inquiries, please contact the Microfinance Integrated Call Center at 1397.
When applying for start-up funding, you must complete a consulting program at the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency. You can proceed at the consultation window, and if you apply for consulting, you can receive free startup consulting.
Complete the loan application, submitting documents related to the required funds. You can avoid wasting your time by preparing the necessary documents in advance through consultation.
Loan screening will be conducted based on the submitted documents.
Once the review is complete, the loan amount will be paid to the account that applied for the loan.
The microfinance startup loan process usually takes about two weeks after application, and may be delayed further depending on the workload of each branch, so it is best to apply with plenty of time.
Microfinance startup loans and other microfinance loan products are basically products that provide support to business owners who are planning to start a business or have started a business and are currently operating one, and unemployed people cannot apply.
Microfinance startup loans are considered very good in that they can be used at low interest rates, but as they require more than 50% of capital, people who lack initial capital have limitations in using microfinance.
In addition to microfinance startup loans, there are many other government-supported loan products, so we recommend that you research them carefully and use the product that best suits you.
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미소금융 창업자금 신청방법
