모르는 전화번호 검색방법 How to search for an unknown phone number

If you receive a call from a phone number you don’t know, do not answer the call, but search to find out where the call is coming from. This is because there is no need to answer spam calls, advertising calls, loan calls, or insurance calls.모르는 전화번호 검색

모르는 전화번호 검색

I don’t know to what extent my personal information is shared, but if you continually receive advertising or spam text messages or phone numbers, there are ways to search and block them or check where the calls are coming from in advance.

Search for phone number with Google
What is this number? Check it with the app
Check with the Whoscall app
Precautions when receiving a call from an unknown cell phone
Search for phone number using Google
Both iPhone and Android smartphone users can search for and look up unknown phone numbers using Google in the same way. For iPhone, open the recent call.

iPhone recent call list
! Touch the shaped icon.

Copy an unknown number
If you touch and hold your finger on the area where the phone number is visible, a copy pop-up will appear and touch it.

Do a google search

Go to Google google.co.kr and enter your phone number into the search box.

spam phone book
Touch The Call Spam phone book that appears in the first result.

Search for phone number
You can see that there are 8 spam messages listed as loan advertisements.

It is highly likely that about 80% of calls to 070 are spam calls, so it is recommended to check using this method.

What is this number? Check it with the app
There are mobile phone apps that can filter, block, and view spam calls. Huhu, download and run a smartphone spam blocking app such as T Phone or What is this number?

what is this number
What? In the case of this number, run the app and download spam information.

What is this number
After all downloads are complete, enter your phone number in the search screen.

Instantly check spam phone numbers
You can check in detail whether the search results are advertisements, spam, or contact information for local organizations, and you can check whether you can receive this call or not through likes or dislikes.

Check with the Whoscall app
spam calls
An app called Whoscall helps you see who it is on the phone screen right away when you receive a call. You will be able to check whether it is a telemarketing phone number or a number you should answer.

If you are constantly receiving calls from an unknown phone number, you can block it immediately.

Whoscall blocks unknown numbers
You can also register spam calls or phone numbers you no longer want to receive to the block list through call logs.

It is not difficult to use, and once installed, it is linked with the basic phone app, making it convenient to use and easy to manage.

Precautions when receiving a call from an unknown cell phone
If you receive a call from a phone number you don’t know, don’t answer it. This is because voice phishing scams have evolved to the point that they are sky-high these days, so money can be taken out while you are answering the phone.

Otherwise, by answering the phone, voice phishing or telemarketing people can continuously contact you, which is annoying and has no benefit to you.

Therefore, if you receive a call or text from a number you don’t know well, we recommend that you take your hand off the receiver first.