맹장염 초기증상 진단(feat. 치료법) Diagnosis of early symptoms of appendicitis (feat. Treatment)

Have you ever had appendicitis? It is a disease that everyone will get at least once in their life. However, it is also a terrifying disease that can be life threatening if left unattended without proper information. Usually, if your stomach hurts, you think it might be simple enteritis, so you don’t go to the hospital. In times like these, more accurate diagnosis and treatment are needed. So today, let’s look at the causes of appendicitis symptoms and how to prevent and treat it.


Appendicitis – Symptoms – Causes – Treatment – Appendicitis
Appendicitis (Appendicitis) Symptoms Causes and Treatment
What is blind jaundice?
First, appendicitis is a disease in which the appendix becomes inflamed. About 100,000 people are operated on every year, and the original disease name is ‘acute appendicitis’.


Pain in the right lower abdomen usually appears and gets worse over time. In particular, symptoms such as anorexia, vomiting, and fever may be accompanied. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should go to the hospital immediately without delay.


For reference, in the case of acute appendicitis, early detection and treatment are very important because there is a high probability of postoperative sequelae. Now, let’s learn about the early signs and symptoms of appendicitis, and how to self-diagnose.


appendicitis symptoms
Major symptoms of appendicitis over time

In the beginning, loss of appetite and upset stomach
About 80% of patients complain of bloating and pain in the epigastrium.
Pain in the epigastric region, passing around the navel and moving to the right lower abdomen
Pain when the right lower abdomen is pressed with a hand
Feeling a slight fever and chills
If the appendix is perforated and ruptures, the pain becomes severe.
The pain spreads not only to the right lower abdomen, but also to the entire abdomen.
high fever or rapid heartbeat

Appendicitis symptoms have a very typical symptom change. The initial symptoms start with an uncomfortable feeling in the upper abdomen, right in the pit of the stomach.


When it comes to how patients usually express themselves, they seem to be bloated. In some cases, the stomach is used and uncomfortable, and symptoms such as stomach cramps come. While expressing it in this way, after that, it is said that after about 8 to 12 hours, you feel that the pain part is moving.


So, there is an uncomfortable feeling near the navel, and after a little more time, I feel pain in the right lower abdomen at the end. So, at first, most people seem to have an upset stomach, or they have a feeling that they cannot digest food because they ate too much yesterday.


In fact, even if you go to the internal medicine, it is an early symptom of appendicitis, but there are times when you simply judge it as gastritis or something else, and there are many cases where you go to an emergency room and receive only drug treatment.


As much as that, the initial symptoms of appendicitis are ambiguous and very similar to the symptoms called acute body, but since the symptoms change a lot overnight, in the end, it is acute appendicitis or appendicitis.


In conclusion, about 25% of patients with appendicitis rupture, and if surgery is not performed within 3 days after the onset of symptoms, the possibility of appendicitis rupture is higher.


Why is the ‘appendix’ blocked?
Approximately 60% of lymphoid tissue overgrowth around the appendix
About 35% of cases when hard stool flows into the appendix and blocks the opening
Other causes, such as foreign bodies, inflammatory strictures, parasites, and tumors

What if appendicitis is left untreated?
If appendicitis is left untreated, the wall of the appendix rots, forming a hole, and the pus in the appendix leaks out and spreads into the stomach. In this case, serious complications such as peritonitis and sepsis can occur.


However, it is important to get an accurate diagnosis at the hospital when there are mild early symptoms such as abdominal distension, feeling of indigestion, and nausea.


Appendicitis treatment and surgical methods
Appendicitis is a disease for which there is no preventive method, so prompt medical treatment or surgery is the rule when symptoms appear.


The operation is carried out in a laparoscopic way, and it is performed through a single hole through which one hole is made, or through three holes.


If the treatment period is delayed, appendicitis spreads to the peritoneum, which leads to peritonitis, and after peritonitis, bacteria move around in the blood, which leads to sepsis, and then septic shock.


The scope of surgical resection can also be completed with resection of the appendix at first, but if the inflammation progresses and spreads around the root of the appendix, it can be performed with appendectomy, and further, ‘ileal appendectomy’, which simultaneously removes part of the ileum and the appendix, and rarely, the right target. The scope of surgery can be expanded to ‘right colon resection’, which resects the entire colon.

맹장염 초기증상

As much as that, acute appendicitis is the first disease to be identified if you are a patient with abdominal pain. I hope you will visit the hospital early in the symptoms to receive medical treatment and examination and receive appropriate treatment.

맹장염 초기증상

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