린나이 서비스센터 및 전화번호Rinnai Service Center and Phone Number

At Rinnai, you can find gas ranges, electric ranges, ovens, built-ins, boilers, water heaters, system products, household/electrical appliances, and many products for commercial use. This time, we will tell you about the Rinnai Service Center phone number, various customer services, and how to find the service center location.

린나이 서비스센터

린나이 서비스센터

Rinnai Service Center


Find a Rinnai Service Center
Rinnai Service Center phone number information
Rinnai customer service information
Rinnai Service Policy Information

Find a Rinnai Service Center


Rinnai Service Center

You can find service centers across the country in Seoul, Gangwon, Incheon, Gyeonggi, South Chungcheong, Gyeongbuk, Daejeon, Daegu, and Gwangju. The service center can be visited from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays, and is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays. If you click on the service center in your desired area, you can see information about the service center location and transportation information.


Find an AS Center


Rinnai Service Center phone number information

■ Rinnai Service Center Phone Number: 1544-3651


Application for AS


Rinnai customer service information


Rinnai Service Center

You can find various customer services on the Rinnai website. All comments, such as compliments, complaints, and suggestions, can be submitted to Voice of Customers. Information on gas boiler safety precautions can be found in Boiler Safety Precautions. You can find self-help instructions on how to use Rinnai products and how to solve them through video guides and frequently asked questions.


Rinnai Service Policy Information

Rinnai Service Center

Information on the warranty period, paid and free repair calculation standards, consumer dispute resolution standards, and service fee calculation standards related to Rinnai products can be found in the Service Policy Guide. Rinnai’s travel fee is 18,000 won regardless of the type. However, for visits after regular business hours on weekdays and on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays, the same fee of 22,000 won will be charged regardless of the type.


If you need Rinnai AS, please refer to today’s information. Rinnai Customer Center phone number is 1544-3651.