내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것 What you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card

hello! This is All Tips More. From now on, I’m going to write a summary of what I can learn with the Tomorrow Learning Card. Young people who are preparing for employment or job seekers who meet specific requirements who want additional job training can apply for the Tomorrow Learning Card and receive various training programs. Since it is a system that supports to increase the employment rate, it boasts a high employment rate and satisfaction after taking education. What are the things that can be learned with the tomorrow’s learning card? You will be able to receive specialized education specialized in specific occupational groups such as building management or baker, including the computer and accounting qualifications you are thinking of. Subsidy is also paid, so you know that it is free or you only have to pay a little bit of money. This is why many people are taking it. I’m also looking for a new job, so I’m sure I can tell you all the kinds of things I can learn with the Tomorrow’s Learning Card. Please continue reading the article below.


내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것



▼ Before entering, if you have not applied for the Tomorrow Learning Card, or if you want to check the qualifications you can receive, please read the post below first. It is recommended that you read the terms and conditions as well as the benefits and standards. 내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것


2019/04/07 – [IT Tips] – Summary of application qualifications for tomorrow learning card 좋은뉴스 


Find out what you can learn with Tomorrow’s Learning Card for Successful Employment




First of all, you need to access the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s ability knowledge portal, which organizes and shows what you can learn with the Tomorrow Learning Card and proceeds with application. I will attach the address, so after entering, please enter training information search by category and job training information on the bottom left.






You can find the education you want to receive here by searching for conditions. It’s good to set your region first. Among the training types below, click on the field you want, but it is recommended that you check the tomorrow learning card (job seeker) part at the top. You can learn various lectures such as the 4th Industrial Revolution manpower, vocational competency development training for the disabled, baby boomer course, and female re-employment course with the Tomorrow Learning Card. If you don’t have anything specific, it’s a good idea to look around and take the lectures yourself after making a full selection.





Right below, the courses that have been taken by the conditional search are listed. You can briefly find out the training cost as well as the training period, age group, occupation, and student rating. Click to see detailed information about each process, which will be explained further below.





If you are looking for a training course for workers who are not job seekers, please enter the category on the right. After entering the training type as worker card and the training classification as your career path, click Search. At this time, one tip is to set the starting date for the start date. It must be hard for everyone to apply today, right?





There are many fields that can be learned with the worker’s tomorrow learning card and help in office work and practice. With elements such as apartment general affairs, acquisition of electricians, and qualifications such as office administration. Now, if you find something you are interested in during these training courses, please click to enter.





A new window titled View Training Details will open. The name and address of the training institution, as well as the contact information of the department in charge and the person in charge, can be consulted over the phone if you have any questions. The one I clicked on is a popular computerized tax accounting certification course, which lasts for 140 hours in 14 sessions. Also, if you look down, you can check the curriculum for each week and the comments of the students.





In the training schedule and course registration information section, you can see the actual training cost and government subsidy. The training fee for this course is 898,660 won, and the government subsidy is fully guaranteed, so it means free education. There are many free courses like this in what you can learn with the Tomorrow Learning Card, but please be careful as there are some lectures that cost you some money.





As for the last tip, if you go into the job-job information section, job information is provided by job category and region. Because it is a part provided by the tomorrow learning card site, if you have taken related courses, you can be recognized for your ability. So far, I have written a summary of what I can learn with the Tomorrow Learning Card, but I think the benefits are very good, so I recommend it to people around me a lot. I will end this article by cheering for your employment.