기후동행카드 신청 Climate Companion Card – 01

기후동행카드 신청We will inform you in detail about the “Climate Companion Card,” an unlimited integrated transportation card that can be used for 65,000 won per month.

The Climate Companion Card is part of the Korean government’s policy to encourage environmentally friendly consumption and is scheduled to be implemented starting in January 2024.
The Climate Companion Card is a card that provides benefits to consumers who practice low-carbon consumption to respond to climate change. You can earn points when you use this card to purchase eco-friendly products or services. The accumulated points can be used to receive a refund for a portion of the card usage amount.
By using the Climate Companion Card, you can receive the following benefits:
You can apply for the Climate Companion Card through your card company, and application conditions and procedures may vary for each card company. Therefore, it is recommended that you check the card company’s website or customer center for more details.
With the Climate Companion Card, you can enjoy economic benefits while practicing environmentally conscious consumption. The main goal of this card is to spread a culture of individual participation in responding to climate change.
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기후동행카드 신청
