2024 근로소득 원천징수영수증 발급 방법(feat. 홈택스, 손택스) How to issue a 2024 earned income withholding receipt (feat. Hometax, Sontax)

I think the document that is often submitted not only during the year-end tax settlement season but also to financial institutions is the withholding tax receipt. Most of the time, it is issued through the company’s payroll system, but there is an easy way to get it issued through the National Tax Service’s home tax system, so I will tell you about it.

근로소득 원천징수영수증


근로소득 원천징수영수증

In particular, it is easy to issue a withholding tax receipt for earned income from the company you currently work for, but it is not easy to ask your former company for a withholding tax receipt from a company you worked for in the past or a company you left, so it is convenient to check through the National Tax Service’s Hometax or Sontax.


How to issue an earned income withholding tax receipt

We have explained in detail how to issue an earned income withholding tax receipt, so please refer to it!!




How to issue an earned income withholding tax receipt via internet PC

There are two ways to issue a withholding tax receipt for earned income: one is by accessing the Internet on a computer, and the other is by verifying the issuance of a withholding tax receipt through Sontax, the National Tax Service’s mobile app.


However, since the withholding tax receipt through Sontax is a service for employee verification, you can access the Internet through a PC and receive a withholding tax receipt for year-end tax settlement or submission to a financial institution.


First, let me explain how to access the Internet on a computer and issue an earned income withholding tax receipt!


Go to National Tax Service Hometax

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Go to National Tax Service Hometax


National Tax Service Home Tax Login

Issuance of withholding tax receipt for those who quit mid-term

The first thing you need to do is register and log in to the National Tax Service’s Home Tax website. For National Tax Service home tax, please select ‘Go to National Tax Service home tax’ below.


Go to National Tax Service Hometax

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Go to National Tax Service Hometax


My Home Tax > Year-end tax settlement, payment statement > Select submission details such as payment statement

How to issue a withholding tax receipt for a person who quits mid-term

After logging in to Hometax, click my Hometax and scroll down to the screen above. Click on year-end tax settlement, payment statement, and then click on the submission details window such as payment statement.




Check your earned income payment statement (view 2023 payment statement)

How to issue an earned income withholding tax receipt

Lastly, if you click on View payment statement with the attribution year of 2023 in the submission details such as payment statement, you can check the withholding tax receipt submitted to the National Tax Service’s Hometax by the company you left.



Go to National Tax Service Hometax

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Go to National Tax Service Hometax


How to issue an earned income withholding tax receipt via mobile phone

This time, we will learn how to check your earned income withholding tax receipt through Sontax, the National Tax Service’s mobile app.


Install and log in to National Tax Service Sontax

How to issue a National Tax Service Sontax earned income withholding receipt

The first thing you need to do to receive an earned income withholding tax receipt from Sontax of the National Tax Service is to install and log in to the Sontax app.


To download the Sontax app, we have entered a shortcut to the Sontax installation page on Android (Galaxy) and App Store (iPhone), so please refer to it when downloading Sontax!



Go to download National Tax Service Sontax on Android

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Download National Tax Service Sontax


Download from the National Tax Service Sontax App Store

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Download National Tax Service Sontax


Select my home tax

How to issue an earned income withholding tax receipt

When you log in to Sontax, select my home tax at the bottom!




Simplified year-end tax settlement, payment statement > Select payment statement (withholding tax receipt) view

How to issue a withholding tax receipt

After selecting my home tax, go to Simplified withholding and payment statement and select View payment statement (withholding tax receipt)!




user authentication

How to issue a withholding tax receipt

We will proceed with the identity verification process to view your withholding tax receipt. Identity authentication methods include joint authentication, simple authentication, financial certificate, and biometric authentication.




Check details of submission of earned income payment statement (withholding tax receipt)

Issuance of withholding tax receipt

In order to issue the withholding tax receipt you need, you can check the withholding tax receipt by selecting the attribution year that needs to be confirmed, selecting the payment statement type as earned income payment statement, and then searching.