국제면허증 발급방법(feat. 준비물, 비용, 유효기간, 가능국가) International driver’s license issuance method (feat. materials, cost, validity period, available countries)

How to issue an international driver’s license

국제면허증 발급방법
international driver’s license

An international driver’s license is a document that allows you to legally drive a car or motorcycle in a country other than the one where the driver’s license was issued. In Korea, the National Police Agency issues driver’s licenses, and international driver’s licenses can also be obtained at police stations and driver’s license test centers across the country.

국제면허증 발급방법
Why do I need an International Driving Permit?
Anyone who wants to drive a car or motorcycle outside of Korea needs an international driver’s license. As overseas travel has become more common and car rentals have increased, it is necessary to prove a license to drive in a foreign country like Korea.

How to apply for an international driver’s license
To apply for an international driver’s license, you must first obtain a valid domestic driver’s license. You can also apply by visiting the nearest police station, driver’s license test center, or international driver’s license issuance center at Incheon International Airport. You can also apply online at the Integrated Civil Service for Safe Driving.

International driving license validity period
The validity period of an international driver’s license issued in Korea is one year from the date of issuance. It should be noted that some countries may have different regulations regarding validity period. In the United States and Canada, the scope of accreditation is different for each state, and even if there is a Geneva Convention or Vienna Convention, it may not be possible like Vietnam.

Countries where international driver’s licenses can be used in Korea
When you receive a driver’s license issued in Korea and use it abroad, you must check in advance whether it is recognized by the local country. If you do not have an international driver’s license, even if it is trivial, you will be treated as unlicensed, so always bring it with you and drive.