국민연금 환급 Overseas Koreans’ Window

국민연금 환급The National Pension Service has decided to strengthen refund request information to prevent people from experiencing the absurd situation of being unable to retrieve the money they worked so hard to pay because the period for requesting a lump sum refund has passed. Starting in May, the National Pension Service will provide detailed information on the statute of limitations system in the subscriber information guide. decided to add it to. According to the Corporation, over the past five years, there have been 2,370 cases in which the five-year statute of limitations has expired due to loss of contact due to overseas migration, unknown residence, etc., or refusal to receive the lump sum because it is small, amounting to 3.3 billion won.
Lump sum applications can be made by permanent permanent residents, people who have acquired a residence passport (PR), and people who have acquired citizenship and lost Korean nationality. This does not apply to temporary permanent residents or those staying abroad for reasons such as employment or study.
The Corporation also has special provisions regarding the statute of limitations for lump-sum refunds, so even if there is a reason for lump-sum payment such as moving abroad, loss of nationality, or signing up for another public pension, the claim is not made within 5 years, so even if the statute of limitations has expired, it will be refunded within 5 years if you turn 60 or die. It allows you to make a claim.
The national pension is a state-enforced retirement income security system that all Korean citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 must subscribe to. When you have income from economic activities, you pay insurance premiums. When you have no income after retirement, you receive a monthly old-age pension. If you become sick or disabled during the subscription period, you receive a disability pension. In case of death, survivor pension is paid.
The Corporation provides advance notice 3 months in advance of the reason for payment, and if the money is not retrieved even after 2 months of the reason for payment, the recipient will request a lump sum payment in a timely manner a total of 7 times according to a 4-step process through business visits, phone calls, etc. “I will guide you to find it,” he explained.
Q. What happens to my national pension once I acquire permanent residency in the United States?

A. You can return it as a lump sum or receive it as a pension under the Social Security Agreement. Korea has concluded social security agreements with many countries, including the United States. Pension subscription periods are combined between countries that have signed the agreement. The sum of subscription periods guarantees the right to receive a pension by calculating the pension amount by adding up the period of premium payment in the sending country and the pension subscription period in the home country. In both Korea and the United States, you must pay for more than 10 years to receive a pension. However, if you want to receive a pension in the United States, it is advantageous for the subscriber because it is calculated by adding up the period of payment for less than 10 years in Korea.

국민연금 환급
