구전녹용 가격 및 효능 총정리 Overall summary of oral deer antler price and efficacy

In this post, we will take the time to learn about the price, efficacy, and ingredients of oral antlers. Deer antler is well known as a health food along with red ginseng. Trot singer Lim Young-woong became famous while working as a model, but it is gaining popularity as many people who are interested in health have been looking for it since before that.

구전녹용 가격
Find out the price ingredients and efficacy of Kukjeon antler

Recently, as more and more people pay attention to their health, it seems that interest in various healthy foods is also increasing. In the past, our ancestors considered deer antler as the best health food. Heo Jun’s Donguibogam also mentions a lot about deer antlers, and deer antlers were so precious that they were used only in the royal court.

구전녹용 가격
Even today, many people take deer antler if they want to improve their physical strength. I think it is because it is a proven drug in terms of efficacy. In particular, oral deer antler contains many deer antler ingredients, so it is also a product that is favored by many people who want to consume deer antler easily.

Today, for those who want to consume deer antlers, we will learn more about the price, ingredients, efficacy, and reviews of oral deer antlers.

What is oral verdure?

Gujeon Deer Antler is a product developed and sold by Pyunkang Oriental Medicine Research Institute, and is a health functional food that can be easily taken. It contains red ginseng and various domestic herbal medicines with antler as the main ingredient. In particular, in the case of antler, the raw material is 1st grade antler from Abaysk Farm in Russia, which is recognized as the best product.

Among many deer antlers, Russian antlers are known as high-quality products in terms of regenerative power and blood circulation, just like deer that can withstand severe cold.

Ingredients of oral deer antler

In addition to Russian antler, the following domestic ingredients are included.

It is a mixture of red ginseng, sukjihwang, angelica, heaven, shovel, peony, bokryeong, astragalus, a forage, hwangjeong, macmundong, malt, jujube, ginger, and Schisandra chinensis extract.

Oral antler price and efficacy

So what is the exact effect? Please refer to the article below for the efficacy and price of oral antler.
[Source] Know the ingredients and efficacy of oral deer antlers | Author Smart Factor