Kyobo Bookstore provides a way to easily check the inventory of books you want at each store, including the Gwanghwamun branch and Gangnam branch, from your smartphone. There are two ways to check stock at each store at Kyobo Bookstore: by accessing the Kyobo Bookstore inventory website on a PC and by accessing the mobile app. Today, we will tell you in detail how to check inventory at each Kyobo Bookstore store using these two methods.
Check Kyobo Bookstore inventory website
If you need to check the inventory of the book you want to buy, you can check the inventory status and location of each store at the online Kyobo Bookstore. If there are any books left in stock, you can visit the store at any time and pick up the book using the ‘BaroDream’ service. Even if the store you want is out of stock, you can place a pre-order and receive it on the desired date.
This is how to check by going to the official website of Kyobo Bookstore on your PC.
Go to Kyobo Bookstore’s homepage
After accessing the Kyobo Bookstore shopping mall and searching for the book you want to purchase, you can select the store stock location menu on the left side of the screen to check the stores with remaining stock and check the book’s stock.
Check stock
Check stock
Access Kyobo Bookstore shopping mall
Search for the book you want to purchase
Select the Store Inventory Location menu on the left side of the screen
Select a store with stock remaining
Check inventory quantity and location of books
After ordering from Barodream, visit the store and receive the book
How to check inventory on the mobile app
Another way is to check by installing the Kyobo Bookstore app on your mobile phone. There is not much difference from PC. If you do not want to install the app, you can access the mobile-only Kyobo Bookstore website.
On the mobile Kyobo Bookstore Gwanghwamun branch store information page, you can check the store address, business hours, parking fee information, store contact information, internal guide, event news, and inventory of books.
Access Kyobo Bookstore mobile app
Search for the book you want to purchase and click to enter the book’s details screen.
Click the Store Inventory Location button next to Sales Status
Check stock quantity and location of books, check store information
Since Kyobo Bookstore has a variety of inventory for each store, you can quickly and easily find the book you want by checking Kyobo Bookstore’s inventory.
How to buy Kyobo Bookstore books cheaply
Kyobo Stationery has a service called ‘Baro Dream’. One of the advantages of this service is that you can purchase books at a discounted price online by placing an order. After checking inventory at Kyobo Bookstore, if you make a purchase through Immediate Dream order on the mobile app, you can receive a discount of about 1,000 won or a 10% discount coupon for direct pickup at the store.
Good article to read together
Today, we will tell you in detail how to check inventory at each Kyobo Bookstore store. The book inventory check function is a service supported not only by Kyobo Bookstore but also by other online bookstores, including Youngpoong Bookstore. If you don’t find the book you’re looking for at Kyobo Bookstore, you can look for it at another online bookstore.