교도소 면회 신청방법 How to apply for prison visitation

We will tell you how to make a reservation for a prison visit through the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service. Prison visits help maintain bonds between inmates and their families, and visits provide legal advice and support. We can also provide biblical support through visitation through difficult prison life.

교도소 면회

교도소 면회

Ministry of Justice online civil service service Prison visitation reservation
Management of recipients (inmates) of the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service
How to schedule a prison visit
1. Access the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service website & mobile app
2. Agree to the Terms of Use and log in
Authentication method type
3. Inmate inquiry
4. Fill out the application form
5. Select interview date
6. Done
Ministry of Justice online civil service service Prison visitation reservation
The Ministry of Justice’s online complaint service provides a variety of services. Among them, we would like to tell you how to make a reservation for a prison visit.

People who visit prisons come to see family members, lawyers, acquaintances, or friends. Among them, my family visits me the most. Even going to prison is a scary and difficult situation, but many people are applying to visit their families, businesses, or friends.

Prison life can be an emotionally difficult time. Visits provide emotional support to inmates and help maintain relationships among family members. Additionally, if you are in an unfair situation, you can receive advice and help regarding the situation through legal consultation and support.

Management of recipients (inmates) of the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service
To use the service before making a reservation for a prison visit, you must complete the target (inmate) management registration to apply.

You can register quickly by entering personal information and inmate information. Once registration is complete, you can use services such as visits, deposit inquiries, online letters, and document inquiries.

Go to Ministry of Justice inmate registration
How to schedule a prison visit
There are three types of prison visit reservations: general visit, smart visit, and video visit. Since the reservation methods for the three are not very different, I will mainly explain how to make a reservation for a general visit, and briefly explain the smart and video visits.

Please select the reception method you want among the three methods and follow the instructions one by one while reading the photos and descriptions of the reservation methods below and then apply.

1. Access the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service website & mobile app
There are two ways to access: online website and mobile app. The two contents are not very different.

How to access the website
Search and access the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service using search engines (Daum, Naver, Google, etc.).
Hover the mouse over “Civil Complaint Application and Issuance” in the main menu at the top of the homepage and click Reservation for Civil Complainant Meeting in the “Prison/Detention Center” menu.
Mobile app access
Download the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service app.
After accessing the app, select the menu “Civil complaint application and issuance” > Prison/detention center > General interview (or smart interview, video interview) reservation” from the main menu (hamburger menu) at the top right of the mobile screen.
When you click the next guest reservation, a summary of how to use and precautions will appear. Read it once and click “Schedule a meeting.”

Reservation of meeting date
Go to the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service website
2. Agree to the Terms of Use and log in
Click “Agree” on the Personal Information Collection and Use Agreement, select the authentication method you frequently use, and log in.

Authentication method type
Simple authentication (Naver, Bank Salad, Shinhan certificate, Toss, National certificate, Telecom PASS, Samsung Pass, Hana certificate, NH certificate, Payco, KakaoTalk)
i-PIN identity verification
Card identity verification
Mobile phone identity verification
Passport number identity verification
3. Inmate inquiry
Enter the required information on the inmate inquiry screen and click the “Next: Inquiry and Fill out Application” button. As explained earlier, if this is your first time using the correctional headquarters-related civil service service, you must first register the target (inmate) to use it.

Required items for target (inmate) inquiry
Agreement to terms and conditions, inmate and institution, last digit of resident registration number
Inmate inquiry
4. Fill out the application form
When filling out the application form, the methods for filling out the general interview and smart interview are the same. After entering your reservation phone number, relationship, and address, click the “Next: Select available reservation date” button.

Fill out the application form
Create a video interview
To fill out a video interview application, enter your reservation mobile phone number, relationship, institution to visit, and address, and then click the “Next: Select a date available for reservation” button.
Institution to visit: This is the institution where the complainant (those who have reserved an interview) will visit and have a video interview.
video interview
5. Select interview date
Select the last interview date. After selecting the appointment reservation date, select the time and you are done.

Select interview date
6. Done
If all process dates are correct, you can check the final interview reservation information. Meeting reservations, reservation status, and cancellation can be made from the main menu, Civil Complaint Application and Issuance > Prison/Detention Center > Meeting Reservation Confirmation menu.

Click here to apply for a prison visit reservation