공복혈당 정상수치 How to lower your fasting blood sugar level to normal levels Good food

공복혈당 정상수치



In order for diabetics to manage their time well, first, check whether regular meals, exercise, and medication are maintained, second, whether they have enough time around them, and third, whether their daily lives can be scheduled.


Continuous blood glucose measurement is required for diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, and there are fasting blood glucose test, oral glucose load test 2 hours after glucose intake, glycated hemoglobin test (HbA1c), and easy self-glucose measurement at home.


In order to measure fasting blood sugar, it must be measured after fasting for at least 8 hours. Usually, it is recommended to measure within an hour after waking up. If the blood sugar measured at this time exceeds 126 mg/dL, diabetes should be suspected. If more than 100 mg/dL comes out, it is called fasting blood sugar disorder, and it is just before diabetes, so you have to go into management to normalize blood sugar.


If your blood sugar level is 200 mg/dL 2 hours after meals, you will be diabetic. If you don’t even eat and your blood sugar is high, you should be careful because diabetes is suspected. If your fasting blood sugar is 126 or higher, it would be better to refer to the hospital and if it is below that, refer to the additional way to lower blood sugar. Of course, if it’s over 120 based on your standards, you should just go to the hospital.

Hungry blood sugar is said to be the blood sugar level measured after fasting for more than 8 hours. It is also said that diabetes diagnosis, which causes numerous complications, will be performed at that number. Therefore, if it is more than 126 mg/dL, diabetes is suspected, and if it is 100 to 125 mg/dL, it is suspected as fasting blood sugar disorder, and you have to re-test it another day to confirm it. Therefore, it is often used as an indicator of blood sugar level for two hours after meals, which is said to be more accurate in the diagnosis of diabetes mentioned above based on the blood sugar concentration measured two hours after eating 75 grams of glucose. Therefore, if it is more than 200 mg/dL, diabetes is suspected, and if it is 140 to 199 mg/dL, sugar tolerance disorder is suspected, and you have to retest it on another day to confirm it.


normal fasting blood sugar level


If the blood sugar concentration is more than 126 mg/dL measured after fasting for more than 8 hours, it is called diabetes, and if it is 100 to 125 mg/dL, it is suspected as fasting blood sugar disorder and should be tested again another day. Therefore, the normal level of fasting blood sugar is less than 100 mg/dL. First, blood sugar is said to be a term for the concentration of sugar in the blood, and most vertebrates, including humans, are made up of glucose. Therefore, blood sugar is basically viewed as a basic indicator of fasting blood sugar. Hungry blood sugar is said to be a measure of how much sugar is in our body when we haven’t eaten.


normal postprandial blood sugar levels


If the blood glucose concentration measured 2 hours after taking 75g glucose is more than 200mg/dL, it is diabetes, 140~199mg/dL should be suspected as sugar tolerance, and it should be re-examined another day. Therefore, it is said that the normal blood sugar level after meals is less than 140 mg/dL. Therefore, the normal blood sugar level can basically be measured when you are hungry or after meals, and in order to know properly, you have to measure it twice in total and once each, rather than choosing one of the two. Therefore, if blood sugar is less than 100 mg/dL after 8 hours of hunger, it can be considered normal blood sugar levels. In addition, 100-120 is called caution, 126 or more is considered diabetes, and it varies greatly depending on what food you eat according to blood sugar for an hour after meals.


How to Lower Your Hungry Blood Sugar Levels Good Food

There are so many people around who suffer from diabetes. Diabetes, one of the most serious diseases. Diabetes is a disease caused by the lack of insulin in our body and the inability to break down sugar increases the amount of glucose in our blood. Diabetes alone is not very scary, but it causes various complications. Some examples include myocardial infarction, kidney disease, and blindness (retinal disease).


For this reason, we test for diabetes, and the basic of which is to measure fasting blood sugar levels. Diabetes management is a disease that requires adjustment throughout life to the extent that it is called life management. You have to adjust your lifestyle patterns, such as simple meals or putting off eating time because you were busy, all the behaviors you didn’t have in mind before diabetes.



If you don’t go to the hospital even though the figure is high, various complications can occur suddenly, so a quick visit is the key. Complications of diabetes include vascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke, hemodialysis is required due to blood detoxification due to kidney damage, blindness and vision loss, high blood pressure (risk of death), fingertips, toes necrosis (cutoff), and skin diseases (atopy).


method of lowering blood sugar
The best way is to reduce sugar. Most Koreans eat a lot of carbohydrates because rice is their staple food and they like bread or noodles, so they often get diabetes because they eat more sugar. Therefore, you should have a low-carb diet. Also, it is better not to eat fried foods such as chicken, which is a representative Korean food, and when you eat rice, you should focus on brown rice, not just rice.


Also, of course, exercise is essential. If you take a good look at what you learned as a child, the order in which energy sources are consumed when exercising is in the order of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. For this reason, exercising consumes carbohydrates, preventing sugar from accumulating in the body. This exercise is good regardless of muscle strength and aerobic exercise, so if you suspect diabetes, it is recommended to exercise.



It is said that even short aerobic exercise can produce normal fasting blood sugar levels. It is also known that muscle training can effectively consume glucose.


regular sleeping habits

It is said that giving regular sleeping habits for normal fasting blood sugar levels helps reduce insulin resistance. Therefore, it is said that it is better to get enough sleep through exercise that does not interfere with sleep, such as caffeine intake.


periodic blood glucose monitoring

It is said that it is basic to control your eating habits and exercise, and it is best to check your condition every day with periodic blood sugar tests. Also, if you have a family history, people must regularly recommend blood sugar tests as a precaution.


controlling carbohydrates

Basically, sugars make up carbohydrates. Therefore, to put it simply, it is said that when sugar increases, blood sugar also. Therefore, many foods consisting of carbohydrates are said to be found in pasta, bread, root vegetables, beans, grains, rice, and noodles. So I hope you control the sugar by controlling the foods.



Yeoju is known to have excellent efficacy in diabetes, also called natural insulin. The caratin in the Yeoju shell helps control blood sugar and promote insulin secretion.



The last good food for diabetes is peanuts. The luteolin component in peanut shells lowers blood sugar. It is also known to prevent fatty liver and obesity and is good for preventing diabetes complications.


Multi-grain rice or brown rice.

The first good food for diabetes is to eat multigrain rice or brown rice. Eating multi-grain rice or brown rice, which is slower to digest and absorb than refined and fast-absorbed white rice, is helpful for diabetes. Also, reverse eating methods such as desserts, side dishes, and rice can help reduce the amount of carbohydrates.



In the case of type 2 diabetes, studies have shown that people who steadily consume 2g of ginger powder a day have lowered their blood sugar levels by 12%. Gingerol components in ginger promote insulin secretion and speed up glucose absorption in muscles, reducing blood sugar levels. These actions help manage complications caused by diabetes.


However, ginger tea adds sugar such as honey and sugar to control the spicy ingredients of ginger, so people with diabetes should limit their intake when drinking ginger tea. Also, in order to prevent blood sugar from rising quickly, it is better to eat before meals than after meals.공복혈당 정상수치