경기도 청소년 교통비 지원 Apply for transportation expenses support for Gyeonggi-do youth ~ < Citizen staff and village reporters < Citizen Talk Talk < Text of the article - Gwangmyeong City News Portal

경기도 청소년 교통비 지원Below we provide detailed information on how to apply and the benefits.

Is there support for transportation expenses for youth in Gyeonggi-do?
Nowadays, as public charges and prices are rising, Gyeonggi city bus and Gyeonggi village bus fares are also increasing. This is a project to support the purpose of reducing the burden of transportation costs on economically vulnerable youth who use public transportation frequently.
Although it is a transportation expense support system, the subsidy is paid in local currency, so the subsidy can only be used at local currency affiliated stores in your area of ​​residence. It cannot be used for transportation expenses. Therefore, the Gyeonggi-do youth transportation fee support system can be said to be a policy not only to support transportation expenses for youth, but also to revitalize the local economy.

▷ Application period for the second half of January: Monday, January 2, 2023 to Wednesday, February 15, 2023

▶ Support eligibility and benefit amount
Anyone between the ages of 13 and 23 who lives in Gyeonggi-do can apply. You must reside in Gyeonggi-do according to your resident registration as of the application date. There is no limit to the period of residence. You can apply if you are a teenager who uses public transportation with a transportation card. Adolescents themselves can apply, or their parents or head of household can apply.

▷ Date of birth of applicant: January 2, 1998 ~ December 31, 2009

▶ Transportation expense recognition period: January 1, 2022 ~ December 31, 2022

▷ Support amount
Support will be provided in local currency up to a maximum of 60,000 won in the first half and 60,000 won in the second half, up to 120,000 won per year.
We support 100% of the actual cost of public transportation within the annual limit of 120,000 won (60,000 won for the first and second half of the year).

▶ Scope of support
If you use a Seoul or Incheon bus or subway within 30 minutes before or after using it, we also provide support for the use of Gyeonggi buses in the city and villages.
Please note that if you are receiving transportation expenses from the central government or local government, you cannot apply multiple times. Please check the details below that do not allow duplicate applications.

▷ Payment method
If a youth aged 14 or older registers local currency in their name, payment will be made in local currency. Therefore, the youth must have local currency in their name. Teens who are 13 years old and do not have a cell phone or have a phone that is difficult to install local currency apps on can apply as an agent who owns local currency in the area.
*What you need to prepare: Transportation card, local currency, certificate (you can register a prepaid or postpaid transportation card in the name of the youth, and register the agent’s local currency)

[How to apply for transportation expenses support for youth in Gyeonggi-do]
You can apply online, or you can apply on the portal site by searching for Gyeonggi-do Youth Transportation Expense Support.
First, you must sign up as a member and then register your transportation card and local currency. For reference, it is said that it is difficult to register a 17-digit transportation card, so it is best to use one if possible. Afterwards, you can apply for the subsidy.
The period during which you can register your transportation card is the same as the period during which you can apply for the support, so make sure to do it during that period.

Gyeonggi-do Youth Transportation Expense Support Portal
To proceed with this task, please install the ‘NXiSAS module’ in the order below (takes approximately 1 to 3 minutes) 1. Click the [Download] button 2. Click the NXiSAS module (NXiSAS.exe) [Run] button and install it. ※ Supported OS: Installation is possible only in Windows environment. ※ After completing installation, please refresh (F5) or re-connect to the transportation fee application site. Download Close Transportation expenses are provided to youth in Gyeonggi-do. Gyeonggi Bus Search How to sign up How to verify your residence How to apply for transportation subsidy (Click to go to the relevant screen…)

[Application Procedure]
If you apply as above, traffic data will be collected. If you apply this time (January 23), you will register the transportation card you have used so that you can understand the usage history over a period of 22 years. Afterwards, the calculated subsidy is paid after checking whether you live in Gyeonggi-do and whether the local currency is yours, so if you are a teenager living in Gyeonggi-do, please be sure to apply and enjoy the benefits.

경기도 청소년 교통비 지원
