개인사업자 폐업신고절차 Individual Business Closure Report and Taxes – Naver Blog

개인사업자 폐업신고절차2019. 4. 24. 22:45

These days, a lot of private businesses are opening their own businesses, but…
You also do a lot of shutting down.

Today, I will tell you how to report the closure of a private business and the taxes you need to take care of when closing your business.

In the case of business closure, a business closure report must be filed.
If you do not file a business closure report, you may suffer significant losses.
please!! remember!!
How to report business closure
◎ Business Registration Closure Report

Immediately after closure, you must report the closure of the business through the Civil Services Office of the nearest tax office or the National Tax Service Hometax.
When reporting business closure at the Civil Service Office of the tax office, submit the business closure report along with the original business registration certificate.

If you have a public certificate, it is easy to report business closure through Hometax.
Path: Log in to Hometax accredited certificate > Apply/submit > Report business closure

◎ Report on license/permission closure

If it is a business with a license or permit, you must also report the business closure to the institution that originally received the license/permission.

However, these days, it is called ‘one-stop service for reporting business closure’….
If you visit one of the ward offices or tax offices for industries that require licenses and submit an integrated business closure report, there are many local governments that process business registration and license closure at the same time, so check it out!

Tax issues after closing
◎ Value-added tax closure declaration and payment

Individual entrepreneurs must report and pay VAT within 25 days from the end of the month in which the date of business closure falls.
For example, if you closed your business on April 30th, you must file your VAT return by May 25th.
Closure period
Subject to report and payment
In case of closure during the 1st term (first half)
Business performance from 1. 1. to the date of closure
In case of closure during the second half (second half)
Business performance from 7. 1. to the date of closure

▶ Goods such as products or products remaining at the time of closure
Since it is subject to self-supply, value-added tax must be paid by including the market value of residual goods in the tax base at the time of business closure.

▶ Considered supply of depreciable assets
Depreciable assets such as buildings, vehicles, and machinery are also subject to value-added tax after calculating their market value according to the method prescribed by the tax law.

▶Comprehensive transfer of business
There is no obligation to pay value-added tax in the transfer of a business in which only the business owner is changed and the rights and obligations related to the business are comprehensively succeeded. In this case, a comprehensive business transfer and transfer agreement must be submitted.

◎ Submission of statement of payment

Payment statements must be submitted by the end of the month following the month in which the closing date falls.
Usually, there are many cases that do not think until the payment statement is submitted. Be careful!

For example, if the business closed on April 24th??
Payment statements must be submitted by June 30th.
◎ Comprehensive Income Tax Return

If a sole proprietorship is closed, the global income from January 1. to the date of closure is calculated in the year following the year in which the date of closure falls. 5. 1. to 5. Tax return and payment must be made by 31.
For example, what if the business closed on April 30, 2018? The global income tax return must be paid in May 2019.

If an individual entrepreneur has income other than the income related to the closed business, they must add up and report and pay global income tax in May.

4 major insurance after business closure
◎ Notification of withdrawal from the 4 insurances

When the business is closed, do not forget to report the resignation of the 4 major insurance businesses.

– Notification of resignation from workplaces subject to the national pension
– Notification of withdrawal from health insurance business
– Employment Insurance and Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance insurance relationship extinction report
Today, we have informed you about the overall closure reporting process, such as how to report closure when an individual business is closed, tax issues, and 4 major insurance issues.

Just like when you opened your business, you have to be meticulous when it closes to ensure a clean finish.
I watched a lot of people around me suffering from the penalty tax due to not filing a VAT report.
Don’t forget to file a VAT report and a comprehensive income tax report!!
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개인사업자 폐업신고절차
